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Epilobium gracilipes Kirk

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Epilobium gracilipes Kirk, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 27: 351 (1894 [1895])
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk

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New Zealand
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Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes

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Epilobium gracilipes Kirk

Stock woody; stems woody at base, slender, decumbent then ascending, us. several to many, branched, up to 15 cm. long, glab.; branchlets bifariously pubescent, us. reddish. Lvs opp., us. distant, floral often alt., on petioles up to 4 mm. long. Lamina ovate to broad-ovate, often reddish below, (6·5)-10-17 × (5)-7-12 mm.; coriac. to submembr., glab.; margins obscurely and remotely denticulate to almost entire. Fls 5-6 mm. diam.; calyx < petals, lobes oblong to oblong-lanceolate; petals white. Capsules 25-35-(50) mm. long, glab.; peduncles very slender 35-50 mm. or more long. Seeds minutely papillose.

Epilobium gracilipes Kirk

n = 18
2n = 36

Epilobium gracilipes Kirk

Tufted herb, with numerous, decumbent, leafy stems to 20 cm long. Stems with lines of erect or appressed eglandular hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf narrowly to broadly ovate or ovate-elliptic, 0.5-1.8 × 0.3-1 cm. Floral tube 0.5-1.5 mm deep, glabrous. Petals white, 3.5-6.4 × 2.5-4.5 mm. Capsule glabrous, 2.8-5 cm long; fruiting pedicel (1.7)-2.5-6 cm long.

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Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
Epilobium gracilipes var. concinnum Allan
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk

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Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
New Zealand
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
8 May 2008
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