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Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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replacement name
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura
The epithet rakiura is the Ngāi Tahu name in te reo Māori for Stewart Island, where this species is native. Rakiura is often translated as ‘glowing sky’ (raki = sky, ura = to be glowing, in the Ngāi Tahu dialect).
Type: Stewart Island/Rakiura, s. dat., Stack s.n. (CHR, first-step lecto, designated by L.B.Moore in H.H.Allan (ed.), Fl. New Zealand 1: 828 (1961); second-step lecto, designated here: CHR 635645!*; isolecto: CHR 635646!).

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Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore

Rosette-lvs oblong-spathulate, up to 12×2 cm., tips rounded and obtuse, margins ± revolute, lamina gradually narrowed into broad flat petiole us. < lamina-length; hairs short, silky and spreading, very crowded, those on undersurface retrorse except near lf-tip. Lateral branches few to many, ascending to erect, up to 30 cm. long, sts branched, internodes mostly = or < lvs. Stem-lvs many, c. 2-3 × 1 cm., ± oblong and obtuse; hairs like those of rosette-lvs but retrorse on undersurface only near base of lowermost lvs. Cymes ebracteate and us. several times branched, many-fld, reaching 4 cm. long in fr.; internodes and pedicels very short. Calyx 4-5 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, rather broad, obtuse; hairs ∞, rather short, flexuous, towards base irregularly hooked or sts retrorse. Corolla white, c. 6 mm. diam., tube 3-4 mm. long, cylindric, lobes spreading, c. 2.5 × 2.5 mm., broadly oblong; filaments fixed just below scales, short but > anthers which are up to 1 mm. long, broad, wholly above scales; style little > calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets up to 2 × 1·3 mm., subacute, slightly winged and keeled.

Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore

Rosette lvs oblong-spathulate; margins ± revolute; hairs short, silky, spreading, very crowded, abaxially retrorse except at tip. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs many, = or > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, usually branched, many-flowered, compact. Calyx hairs crowded, short. Corolla white, c. 6 mm diam.; tube cylindric; filaments short but > anthers; anthers up to 1 mm long and wholly above scales.

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Myosotis albida (Kirk) Cheeseman
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis albida (Kirk) Cheeseman
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis capitata subsp. albida Kirk
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis capitata subsp. albida Kirk
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis capitata var. albiflora J.B.Armstr.
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis capitata var. albiflora J.B.Armstr.
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore

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New Zealand
Southland Land District
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Southland Land District

Click to collapse Notes Info

The epithet rakiura is the Ngāi Tahu name in te reo Māori for Stewart Island, where this species is native. Rakiura is often translated as ‘glowing sky’ (raki = sky, ura = to be glowing, in the Ngāi Tahu dialect).
Type: Stewart Island/Rakiura, s. dat., Stack s.n. (CHR, first-step lecto, designated by L.B.Moore in H.H.Allan (ed.), Fl. New Zealand 1: 828 (1961); second-step lecto, designated here: CHR 635645!*; isolecto: CHR 635646!).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
24 May 2021
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