Clematis foetida Raoul

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Clematis foetida Raoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zél. 23, t. 22 (1846)
Clematis foetida Raoul
23, t. 22
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis foetida
Clematis foetida Raoul
Liane with rather stout main stems up to c. 6 cm. diam. at base, ascending to 6 m. or more; branchlets grooved, densely fulvous tomentose when young as are the unfolding lvs. Lvs 3-foliolate on rather stout pubescent-pilose petioles c. 3 cm. long. Lflts on petiolules c. 5-10 mm. long, rather dark green, subcoriac., ovate, obtuse to acute, truncate to subcordate at base, entire to sinuate or ± crenately toothed; pubescent-pilose, at length glab.; 2.5-6 × 2-4 cm. Subfloral lflts smaller; often entire or subentire. Infl. of axillary us. ample panicles; pedicels up to 4 cm. long, slender, pilose; bracts ovate, acute to acuminate, connate. Fls strongly scented. ♂ up to 2.5 cm. diam. Sepals 5-8, yellow, pubescent-pilose without, 1·5 cm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute. Stamens ∞, filaments c. 1 cm. long; anthers 1-2 mm. long, narrow oblong. ♀ up to 1·5 cm. Sepals 5-8, c. 1 cm. long, ovate, obtuse, pubescent-pilose without, yellow. Stamens us. abortive. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, ∞, ± pubescent-pilose; styles c. 2-3 cm. long, plumose.
Clematis foetida Raoul
2n = 16
Clematis foetida Raoul
Evergreen woody climber. Lvs glabrous or sparsely hairy, 3-foliolate, (2.3)-5.5-9 × (1.8)-4.5-8-(12) cm; leaflets thinly coriaceous, ovate, obtuse to acute; margins entire to sinuate, rarely crenately lobed or serrate; petiole hairy, 1.5-5-(9) cm long. Fls unisexual, in axillary dichasial cymes, strongly scented. Bracts paired, united, inserted about middle of pedicel. ♂ fls: sepals (5)-6-(8), imbricate, yellow, glabrous above, pilose beneath, ovate-oblong, 6-12-(23) × 2-5-(7) mm; anthers 0.8-1.5 mm long; filaments glabrous. ♀ fls: sepals 5-8, imbricate, yellow, glabrous above, pilose beneath, ovate, 6-11 × 3-5 mm; staminodes few. Achenes hairy, 2-4 mm long. Style 1.4-3 cm long at fruiting.
Taxonomic concepts
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis foetida Raoul
Clematis parkinsoniana Colenso
Clematis foetida Raoul
scientific name
1 January 2000
2 April 2007