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Veronica chathamica Buchanan

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Veronica chathamica Buchanan, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 7: 338 (1875)
Veronica chathamica Buchanan

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica
The epithet chathamica refers to its distribution on the Chatham Is.
Lectotype (designated by Bayly & Kellow 2006): Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 7: 338, plate 13, fig. 1 (1875)

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Small prostrate rambling shrub. Branchlets slender, rarely quite glab., internodes short to long. Lvs tending to lie in one plane, (8)-15-36 × 5-12 mm., elliptic to obovate-oblong, rather thick, fleshy, pale green; lf-bud without sinus, the lf-base narrowing gradually to little more than branchlet-width; lamina obtuse to subacute, entire with narrow cartilaginous border. Infls lateral, simple, peduncle c. = flowering portion which is compact and almost as broad as long. Fls pedicellate, bracts often linear and = pedicels. Calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate, acute. Corolla "dark purple", tube little > calyx, lobes c. = tube, rounded. Capsule short and broad, us. < 2 × calyx.

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Hebe chathamica (Buchanan) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Hebe chathamica (Buchanan) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Hebe coxiana (Kirk) Cockayne
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica var. coxiana (Kirk) Cheeseman
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica chathamica var. coxiana (Kirk) Cheeseman
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
Veronica coxiana Kirk
Veronica chathamica Buchanan

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New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Veronica chathamica Buchanan
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Lectotype (designated by Bayly & Kellow 2006): Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 7: 338, plate 13, fig. 1 (1875)
The epithet chathamica refers to its distribution on the Chatham Is.

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scientific name
7 February 2006
3 January 2023
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