Myosotis forsteri Lehm.

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Myosotis forsteri Lehm., Pl. Asperif. Nucif. 95 (1818)
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Rosette us. single, If-lamina broad-elliptic to orbicular, 1·5-4 × 1-3 cm., tip rounded and ± mucronate, petiole = or > lamina-length, narrow and rather well-defined; hairs short, stiff or ± flexuous, us. appressed, sparse and not overlapping, not retrorse on undersurface. Lateral branches few to many, ascending to erect, sts branched, up to 20-30 cm. long, internodes us. = or > lvs. Stem-lvs rather few, lower ones spathulate, upper sessile and broad-ovate, c. 10-15 mm. long, tip rounded and mucronate; hairs short, us. appressed, sparse on both surfaces. Cymes ebracteate, except sts towards base, ∞-fld, mostly simple; internodes between frs us. > calyx; pedicels up to 6 mm. long, 8 to stem in fr. Calyx (2*5)-4-(5) mm. long, lobes barely 1/2 length, rather broad, subacute; hairs sparse, mostly confined to margins and ribs, long and straight above, shorter and slightly hooked towards base. Corolla white, 2-5-6 mm. diam., tube 2-4 mm. long, cylindric but widest at mouth, lobes broadly rounded; filaments very short, fixed below scales, anthers c. 0*5 mm. long, tips to 1/2 length (sts all but base) above scales; style < calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets broadly rounded, c. 1·2 mm. long.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
n = 24
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Rosette usually single; lf lamina broad, = or < petiole; hairs short, stiff to ± flexuous, usually appressed, sparse. Lateral branches few to many, ascending, sometimes branched, to 30 cm long; internodes usually = or > lvs. Cymes mostly ebracteate, many-flowered; internodes between frs usually > calyx. Calyx hairs mainly on margins and ribs. Corolla white, 2-6 mm diam.; tube cylindric; filaments very short; anthers 0.5 mm long, partly exserted.
Taxonomic concepts
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
scientific name
1 January 2000
17 May 2004