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Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001

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E.G. Simmons
E.G. Simmons
Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001
NZ holotype
Pleospora sedicola
NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, on leaf lesions of Sedum spectabile Boreau, 18 Feb. 2000, N. Z. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries LYN 124. Dried culture of ex-conidium isolate E. G. Simmons 48-095, Holotype BPI 747302, ex type CBS 109843, ICMP 15601

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Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001

Ascomata of P. sedicola develop in large numbers within all three agar substrates used. They contain asci with immature and a few fully mature ascospores within ca. 3 wk when they develop on alfalfa stems placed on PCA colonies; 4 wk or longer apparently is required for maturation of large numbers of ascospores under standard conditions of culture. Mature ascomata are dark, thin-walled, subsphaeroid, ca. 350 µm diam., with a small apical, ostiolar beak. Asci are elliptical or oblong, ca. 150-170 x 30 µm, usually 8-spored. Ascospores are ca. 30 x 6 pin, strongly fusiform, when the first transverse septum forms. Ascospores remain fusiform as length and width increase to ca. 35-40 x 8-10 µm; then become broader and shorter (broadly elliptical) as they reach maximum septation at ca. 28-32 x 10-12 µm, with 7 transepta and 1-2 longitudinal or oblique septa in most or all transverse divisions. It is emphasized that developing ascospores before full septation-including minimally septate juveniles-have lengths in a 30-40 µm range; full development of the ascospore, at ca. 28-30 x 12 µm, is a process of contraction in length as the spore increases in width. Ascospore color develops from a juvenile subhyaline. to a mature dull, dilute brown. Ascospores are strongly constricted at all three primary transepta throughout the fusiform stages; constriction remains evident but less striking in the fully developed ascospore.
The anamorph Stemphylium sedicola grows well and sporulates very abundantly on Hay and V-8 agars. On PCA, however, solitary conidia are produced almost entirely on numerous short branches of long, sturdy, erect or arching hyphae that arise singly or in fascicles in concentric rings of growth; the axis hyphae commonly are as long as 1 mm, the conidiogenous branches 32-90 x 5 µm with a slightly wider tip cell. Juvenile conidia are ovoid and ca. 8-14 x 7-8 µm when the first transeptum forms; they are punctulate from the beginning of development. Conidia become broadly ellipsoid or oblong with broadly rounded base and apex; 30-35 x 18-20 µm, with 2-3 complete primary and a few partial transverse or oblique septa, 1-3 longitudinal or oblique septa inserted somewhat irregularly within transverse divisions. Conidia usually are constricted at 1-2 primary transepta, yellow-tan to medium yellow-brown, with walls smooth or usually punctate roughened overall.
Ex cultiura in agaro PCA descripta. Ascomata atrobrunnea, subglobosa, ca. 350 µm diam., pariete tenui, rostellata. Asci ellipsoidei vel oblongi, ca. 150-170 x 30 µm, plerumque octospori. Ascosporae valde fusoideae tum anguste ellipsoideae, ca. 35-40 x 8-10 µm, denique late ellipsoideae, ca. 28-32 x 10-12 µm, transverse 7-septatae, fortiter vel moderate constrictae, longitudinaliter vel oblique 1-2-septatae; initio subhyalinae, denique dilute obscure brunneolae. Conidiophora numerosa, 32-90 x 5 µm in hyphis longis, erectiusculis, arcuatis, solitariis vel fasciculatis, ad ca. 1 mm x 5 µm. Conidia ovoidea tum late ellipsoidea vel oblonga, µmdo et apice late rotundatis, 30-35 x 18-20 µm, transverse 2-3 omnino et aliquot imperfecte septata, longitudinaliter 1-3 irregulariter septata, plerumque in 1-2 transeptis primariis constrictis, dilute vel modice luteobrunneola, parietibus laevibus vel punctatis.
Etymology: Latin, Sedum + -cola, inhabiting a Sedum species.
TYPE: NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, on leaf lesions of Sedum spectabile Boreau, 18 Feb. 2000, N. Z. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries LYN 124. Dried culture of ex-conidium isolate E. G. Simmons 48-095 (Holotype: BPI 747302!). Fig. 2. Anamorphosis: Stemphylium sedicola E. G. Simmons, anam. nov.

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Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001
Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons (2001)
Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001
Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons (2001)
Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001
Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons

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Pleospora sedicola E.G. Simmons 2001
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Stemphylium sedicola
NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, on leaf lesions of Sedum spectabile Boreau, 18 Feb. 2000, N. Z. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries LYN 124. Dried culture of ex-conidium isolate E. G. Simmons 48-095, Holotype BPI 747302, ex type CBS 109843, ICMP 15601

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scientific name
24 March 2004
5 March 2018
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