Leptinella minor Hook.f.

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Leptinella minor Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) Part I, 142 (1852)
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor
Stems creeping, rooting, up to c. 4 dm. long, glab. to silky-hairy; branches very slender to almost filiform, often glab. or nearly so; lvs alt. or fascicled at nodes. Lamina narrowly obovate-oblong, thin, membr., glab. or slightly hairy when young, (10)-15-30-(50) × 5-10 mm.; pinnatisect to pinnate. Pinnae c. 10 pairs, rather distant, subopp.; upper ± oblong, ± 5 × 3 mm., sessile, us. deeply toothed all round, teeth ovate-oblong, acute, apiculate; lower rather distant, c. 2 mm. long, often entire. Costa flat, glab. or sparsely glandular. Petioles chartaceous, 5-(10) mm. long, with sheathing bases. Scape ± 15 mm. long, slender to filiform, nude, with minute sparse hairs. Capitula (2)-3-5 mm. diam.; receptacle slightly convex. Phyll. c. 10, broad-oblong to ovate-oblong, 1-2 mm. long, margins us. purple. Florets and achenes glandular. ♀ in 3-4 series, corolla broad-ovoid, 2-3-toothed or entire; ♂ ∞, funnelform, tube c. 2 mm. long; teeth minute, narrow-triangular. Achenes obovoid, compressed, c. 1 mm. long.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
n = 26
2n = 52
2n = 52
A creeping perennial herb forming open patches. Rhizomes on the soil surface, slender to stout, 0.5-2.0 mm diam.; branches produced earlier in season clustered, up to ca. 5 radiating from around a flowering node; branches produced later in season us. single at flowering nodes. Leaves 3-many clustered at the apex, under better conditions older leaves up to 2 cm apart. Short shoots absent or with 1-few small leaves. Roots ± thick, 0.5-1.0 mm diam. Leaves 1-pinnatifid, 1-5 × 0.3-1.0 cm; blade 0.3-4.0 cm, obovate, coriaceous, dull green, usually with brown pigment on proximal pinnae, ± glabrous; pinnae 5-12 pairs, not overlapping, cut to rhachis, obovate, teeth 0 or up to 7 per pinna, us. restricted to proximal pinnae, on distal margins, cut ½-2/3 across pinna, oblong, obtuse and minutely mucronate. Peduncles borne on rhizomes, equal to or longer than leaves, slender, 2-5 cm, nude or with 1 simple bract, pilose. Monoecious. Heads 4-6 mm diam.; surface convex; involucre outspread; phyllaries 15-20 in 2 equal rows, suborbicular, pilose, with a wide brown scarious margin, not growing after anthesis; pistillate florets 70-130 in 2 or more rows, ca. 1.75 mm long, straight, white; corolla twice as long as wide, with equal teeth; staminate florets ca. equal in number. Achenes ca. 1.0 × 0.5 mm, slightly compressed but almost round in section, pale brown, transversely wrinkled. Chromosome number, n=26. Flowers through the spring and summer and at a reduced rate in autumn and occ. winter.
Taxonomic concepts
Cotula minor (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Cotula minor (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Leptinella minor Hook.f.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
9 November 2005