Celmisia mackaui Raoul

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Celmisia mackaui Raoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zél. t. 14 (1846)
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
t. 14
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Tufted herb producing offset plants from short rhizomes; lf-sheaths closely compacted, forming a pseudo-stem c. 15 cm. long. Lamina glab. or very nearly so on both surfaces, pliant, almost membr., (15)-30-50 × 5-10-(15) cm., lanceolate to narrow-lanceolate, rather bluish green above, paler and ± keeled below. Apex long-acuminate; margins entire, somewhat thickened, tapering to rather broad grooved petiole c. 15 cm. long, us. with a few hairs, then widening to sheath c. 15 cm. long. Scape ± 30-60 cm. long, stout, glab. or very nearly so, ± fistular. Bracts amplexicaul, loosely sheathing, sublanceolate, acuminate, very sparsely hairy; lower laminae up to c. 4 cm. long, upper sts forming pseudo-involucre. Capitula 4-5 cm. diam.; phyll. ∞, ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, ± sphacelate. Ray-florets white, sts pink-flushed; tube narrow, thickened below, limb. us. distinctly 3-nerved and -toothed. Disk-florets ∞, tubular, somewhat thickened at base, teeth ovate-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, glab., ± strongly ribbed or striate. Pappus-hairs ∞, white, barbellate, < disk-florets.
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
n = 54
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Woody-based herb with short branchlets arising from a multicipital stock, usually just below the soil surface; living leaves in rosettes at the tips of branchlets; the whole plant forming a loose mat of numerous rosettes. Leaf sheaths densely imbricate, and compacted into a pseudostem. Leaf lamina (10)-15-45-(70) × (1.5)-3.5-6-(7.5) cm, somewhat flaccid, errect but tending to spread, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic; upper surface concolorous, bright to dark green, veins obvious; lower surface glabrous, glaucous green; tip acute; margins entire, often slightly recurved; base cuneate; petiole short, to 1/3 length of lamina, usually deep purple, glabrous or with scattered whitish hairs. Scape purple, up to 65 cm long; bracts numerous, erect, subulate, somewhat leafy; monocephalous. Capitula up to 5 cm diam. Phyllaries in several series, subulate, erect, glabrous. Ray florets 60-70, ligulate, the limb more or less linear, creamy white often tinged violet when capitulum first open. Disc florets c. 200, funneliform, yellow; tube with eglandular biseriate hairs. Achene fusiform-cylindric, strongly ribbed, c. 5 mm long, glabrous. Pappus unequal, c. 7 mm long, of 55-60 bristles, n = 54. (Fig. 3).
Taxonomic concepts
Celmisia coriacea sensu Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia coriacea sensu Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Celmisia mackaui Raoul
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
5 May 2006