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Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.

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Veronica hulkeana F.Muell., Edinburgh New Philos. J. 14: 157 (1861)
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.

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Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana
Mueller named the species after Mr T.H. Hulke of New Plymouth.
Lectotype (designated by Garnock-Jones 1993): MEL 1594290, Veronica hulkei, Melb. Bot. Gard. Jan 30th 1862

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Laxly branched half-woody shrub to c. 60 cm. tall. Branchlets pubescent with short retrorse hairs or quite glab.; length of internodes us. many × diam. Lvs spreading, 3-7-(10) × 1·5-3 cm. including narrowly winged petiole 1-1·5 cm. long; lamina oblong-elliptic to suborbicular, obtuse to subacute, subcoriac., glossy above, pale beneath, glab. or faintly pubescent on midrib; margin evenly serrate-dentate to sharply serrate. Infl. a broad terminal panicle to 20-(30) cm. long, us. with second order branching towards base; ultimate branchlets rather lax-fld spikes, sts 4-5 cm. long. Fls sessile, bracts to 2 mm. long, broad-ovate, acute, ciliolate. Calyx-lobes similar to bracts but larger and more obtuse, us. pubescent at base, us. 4 in number and overlapping. Corolla lavender to white, tube < calyx, lobes to 4 mm. long; style long and stigma distinctly lobed. Capsule erect, > calyx when mature, very turgid, glab.; seeds narrow-oblong, slightly winged, > 1/2 capsule-length.
Shrub, 0.2-0.7 m tall. Branches decumbent to ascending; branchlets brown to grey, vegetative internodes (3-)10-25(-70) mm long. Stem pubescence uniform, glandular and eglandular, or stems glabrous; eglandular stem hairs patent to recurved. Leaves erecto-patent to spreading; lamina lanceolate, ovate, oblong, elliptic, or rhomboid, firm to coriaceous, flat, folded or concave, (10-)20-50(- 60) × (5-)10-20(-35) mm; apex acute, subacute, obtuse, rounded, apiculate, or truncate; base cuneate; margin green or red, rounded, smooth or sometimes ciliolate at apex, crenate to serrate; marginal teeth or lobes in 5-12(-20) pairs; adaxial surface glabrous or with minute twin-headed glandular hairs on midrib, green to bronze green, glossy to vernicose, without stomata; abaxial surface glabrous or sparsely eglandular-hairy on midrib; pale green to almost white, sometimes pinkish, dull, with very dense stomata. Midrib depressed to grooved above and beneath, or thickened beneath. Petiole narrowly winged in distal half, (5-)10-20(-25) mm long. Inflorescence with (50-)200-700(-1500) flowers, (9-)15-35(-48) cm long; peduncle 2-6(-8.5) cm long; rachis (7-) 12-30(-40) cm long, glabrous, or puberulent or glandular-puberulent; bracts opposite and decussate below, becoming alternate above, subacute, acute, or acuminate, eglandular-ciliate, ovate to deltoid; pedicels glabrous or eglandular- or glandular-puberulent, much shorter than bracts; pedicels 0-1 mm long. Calyx divisions equally deep; calyx (1.5-) 1.8-3.0 mm long; lobes 4, all similar, lanceolate, elliptic, ovate, deltoid, or obovoid, acuminate to obtuse, glandular- or eglandular-ciliate, or with mixed glandular and eglandular cilia. Corolla (6-)8-9(-10) mm diam., white, violet, or mauve at anthesis and after pollination; corolla tube 1.0- 1.5 mm long, 0.7-1.0 mm wide, cylindric to funnelform, shorter than calyx, glabrous; corolla lobes glabrous, or sparsely ciliate; posterior corolla lobe longer than tube, circular to elliptic, obtuse, erect or suberect; lateral corolla lobes elliptic, obtuse, spreading; anterior corolla lobe elliptic, obtuse, spreading. Stamen filaments white, inserted about middle or between middle and base of corolla tube, 1.0-1.5 mm long; anthers yellow. Nectarial disk ciliolate, or glabrous, or glandular-ciliate. Ovary globose to ellipsoid, emarginate, glabrous, eglandular hairy, or glandular hairy, 0.6-1.0 × 0.6- 0.9 mm wide, 0.5-0.8 mm thick. Ovules 14-20 per locule. Style 3.5-4.5 mm long, 0.1-0.2 mm thick, glabrous or with unicellular hairs, white, pink, violet, or mauve. Stigma capitate or sometimes weakly 4- lobed, white at anthesis, 0.3-0.4 mm wide. Capsule turgid or broadly angustiseptate, truncate to emarginate, dark brown, (2.5-)3.0-4.5 × 2.0- 2.5(-3.0) mm, 2.0-2.5(-3.0) mm thick; hairs usually absent, sometimes eglandular, unicellular, or glandular; loculicidal split of capsule extending 1/3-½-way to base. Seeds weakly flattened, fusiform to irregular, winged, weakly rugulose on back, pale to dark brown, (1.0-)1.5-2.4 × (0.5-)0.8- 1.2 mm.

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Hebe hulkeana (F.Muell.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Hebe hulkeana (F.Muell.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Heliohebe hulkeana (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Heliohebe hulkeana (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Parahebe hulkeana (F.Muell.) Heads
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District

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Mueller named the species after Mr T.H. Hulke of New Plymouth.
Lectotype (designated by Garnock-Jones 1993): MEL 1594290, Veronica hulkei, Melb. Bot. Gard. Jan 30th 1862

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30 August 2005
4 January 2023
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