Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.

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Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 728 (1867)
Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
Fuchsia excorticata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) L.f. × Fuchsia perscandens Cockayne & Allan
Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
2n = 22
n = 11
Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
Gynodioecious, deciduous shrub or small tree, ± erect and bushy or lianoid; trunk to c. 20 cm thick when of tree form; bark ± peeling. Branchlets hairy when young. Petioles slender, often filiform, 0.5-5.5 cm long, ± hairy, particularly on upper side. Lamina (2)-3-8-(10) × (1)-2-4 cm, usually ovate to broad-ovate or ovate-oblong, less commonly suborbicular, elliptic or lanceolate-ovate, green above, glaucous or silvery beneath, often suffused with red or purple; midrib and sometimes main lateral veins hairy beneath; base usually broad-cuneate, truncate or rounded, occasionally subcordate; apex rounded to obtuse and mucronate, or acute to acuminate. Fls solitary or few in clusters, on young shoots or ± cauliflorous, usually pendulous; pedicels 7-15 mm long, filiform. Floral tube 8-20 mm long, ± purple. Sepals 6-14 mm long, narrow-triangular, green or purplish, eventually ± reflexed. Petals 1-5 mm long, dark purple, elliptic. Stamens of ☿ fls well-exserted; filaments 6-10 mm long, ± purple. Style 1.7-3.5 cm long, much > stamens; stigma capitate. Berry c. 10 mm long, ellipsoid-oblong, dark purple or almost black.
Taxonomic concepts
Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
Fuchsia excorticata × perscandens
Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
27 June 2022