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Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman

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Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa
Lectotype (selected by Edgar in Moore and Edgar 1970, p. 281): Mt Arthur, Nelson, alt. 4500 ft., T. F.C., AK 2491; isolectotypes: WELT 21705, K 2808254

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Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman

Grass-like tufts to 30 cm high; rhizome short, woody. Inflorescence a compact head 1-1.5 cm long, of light to dark brown, close-packed, sessile spikes. Male flowers at top of spike. Utricles papillose, winged. Stigmas 2.

Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman

Grasslike tufts from a short, woody rhizome. Culms 7–30 cm. × c. 1 mm., trigonous, grooved, mainly smooth but very faintly scabrid just below infl.; basal sheaths light brown. Lvs 5–7 per culm, <, = or > culms, c. 2.5 mm. wide, channelled, margins slightly scabrid towards the tip. Infl. a compact head 1–1.5 × c. 0.7 cm., of densely packed spikes, light or dark brown. Spikes androgynous, 1–3 male fls at the top, lowermost 1–3 spikes each subtended by a membr. lanceolate bract with a long scabrid awn occ. longer than infl. Glumes slightly > utricles, ovate, acuminate or occ. awned, membr., chestnut brown or light brown, keel green, scabrid in lowermost glumes, margins hyaline, occ. very broad towards tip of glume. Utricles c. 3 × 1 mm., plano-convex, strongly nerved, dull, minutely papillose all over; slightly tapering to a beak c. 1 mm. long with scabrid margins and oblique, bifid orifice; stipe c. 0.3 mm. long. Stigmas 2. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, plano-convex, oblong, smooth, light yellow-brown.

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Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman

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Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Lectotype (selected by Edgar in Moore and Edgar 1970, p. 281): Mt Arthur, Nelson, alt. 4500 ft., T. F.C., AK 2491; isolectotypes: WELT 21705, K 2808254

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scientific name
1 January 2000
16 February 2025
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