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Myosotis suavis Petrie

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Myosotis suavis Petrie, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 46: 34 (1913 [1914])
Myosotis suavis Petrie

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New Zealand
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Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis

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Myosotis suavis Petrie

Rosettes single or multiple, lvs broadly obovate-spathulate, 2-4 × 0.7-1·5 cm., tip rounded and mucronate, petiole shorter than lamina, ill-defined; hairs ∞, long, tapering, ± appressed, on undersurface shorter, sparser and retrorse except near If-tip. Lateral branches few, ascending, up to c. 10 cm. long, internodes < lvs. Upper stem-lvs narrow-elliptic and sessile, 1-2 × 0·3-1 cm., tip broadly acuminate; hairs long, silky, ∞, ± appressed, fewer and more slender on undersurface. Cymes ebracteate, to 2 cm. long, simple or once branched, terminal on primary laterals; internodes and pedicels short. Calyx 5-7-(8) mm. long, lobes us. > 1/2 length, obtuse, medium width; hairs of several lengths, rather crowded, appressed and fringing above, shorter, spreading and ± retrorse below, occ. weakly hooked. Corolla white, 5-7 mm. diam., tube 4-6 mm. long, slightly flaring above, lobes flat, rounded, c. 1·5-2.5 × 1·5-2.5 mm.; filaments very short, fixed immediately below scales, anthers c. 1·5 mm. long, tips projecting above rather large scales; style > calyx, stigma capitate. Nutlets not seen.

Myosotis suavis Petrie

Plants compact. Rosette lvs broadly obovate-spathulate; hairs long, ± appressed, abaxially fewer, retrorse. Lateral branches few, ascending. Stem lvs > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, mostly simple; internodes short. Calyx hairs of several lengths, occasionally hooked. Fls scented. Corolla white to cream, 5-7 mm diam.; tube slightly flared; anther tips protruding above scales.

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Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie
Myosotis suavis Petrie

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Myosotis suavis Petrie
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myosotis suavis Petrie
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Myosotis suavis Petrie
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Myosotis suavis Petrie
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
30 April 2004
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