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Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

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Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2(2), 859 (1876)
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Benth. & Hook.f.
(Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha

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Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

Rosettes few or many, lvs obovate- to lanceolate-spathulate, 3-12 × 0.6-2 cm., narrowing rather abruptly to subacute tip and gradually to broad petiole almost as long as lamina; hairs tapering and flexuous, appressed or spreading, on undersurface shorter, sparser, often appressed, retrorse except sts at tip. Lateral branches few per rosette, ascending to erect, up to 30 cm. long, internodes us. < lvs. Stem-lvs decreasing upwards, lower ones oblong, uppermost c. 2 × 0.6 cm., lanceolate with truncate base and subacute tip; hairs long, fine, us. crowded and appressed on upper surface, on undersurface sparser, shorter and more spreading, often retrorse towards base of lower stem-lvs. Cymes ebracteate, us. simple or once branched, 8-fld, up to 7 cm. long in fr., internodes < calyx in fr.; pedicels very short. Calyx 6-8-(9) mm. long, lobes us. slightly > 1/2 length, obtuse, rather broad; hairs long and spreading near top, medium and hooked about middle, short and spreading or retrorse near base, short appressed hairs throughout. Corolla yellow to brownish orange, narrow-funnelform, 6-8 mm. diam., tube up to 10 mm. (occ. 15 mm.) to level of scales, more to sinus of lobes; scales small or absent, sts variously developed in one fl., lobes rounded, c. 3 × 2.5 mm., not widely spreading; filaments broad, fixed just below scales (if any), c. = anthers which are 1·5-2·2 mm. long and wholly above scale-level; style at least 2 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets oblong, c. 3 × 1·5 mm.

Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

n = 24

Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

Rosettes loose; lvs obovate- to lanceolate-spathulate, to 12 cm long; hairs flexuous, appressed or spreading, abaxially retrorse except at tip. Lateral branches ascending to 30 cm long; internodes usually < lvs. Cymes ebracteate, simple or forked, many-flowered; internodes < calyx at fruiting. Corolla of various shades from yellow to brownish orange to brown to deep purple, c. 8 mm diam.; tube very long, narrow-funnelform; filaments c. = anthers, carrying them wholly above scales.

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Exarrhena macrantha Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha var. diversa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha var. pulchra Cheeseman
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Myosotis macrantha var. westlandica Petrie
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

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Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
[Not available]
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 May 2004
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