Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2(1), 311 (1873)
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Benth. & Hook.f.
(Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Us. a depressed shrub, rarely taller, up to 1 m. high; branches long retaining lvs and tomentum; final branchlets 1-2 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs imbricate, linear, obtuse, erect, attached by appressed base, obtusely keeled on back and ± silky-tomentose; ventral surface concave, densely clad in greyish to white rather loose tomentum. Capitula terminal, sessile, c. 5 mm. diam.; outer phyll. short, densely tomentose without; inner linear, acute, scarious, up to 5 mm. long. Florets 8-12, ♀ 2-3; achenes compressed to angular, grooved, up to 1·25 mm. long, glab. when mature; pappus-hairs unequal, up to 7 mm. long.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
2n = 28
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Usually a prostrate shrub, rarely more erect and up to 1 m tall; branchlets usually obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, sometimes with stem partly exposed below lf bases, 1-2 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs covered by paper-like, flat, grey tomentum on lower, outer surface, densely tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, narrow-oblong to oblong- triangular, concave, obtuse and not or scarcely cucullate, 2.5-4-(5) × 0.5-1 mm. Lvs of young plants and shaded shoots spreading. Capitula 3-5 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts glabrous or sparsely hairy on lamina, oblong, obtuse to acute, not or slightly radiating, membranous, with pale and transparent lamina, and opaque stereome, 5-7 mm long. Disc yellow. Achenes glabrous, cylindric and angled or compressed, 1.8-2.3 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Ozothamnus depressus Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Ozothamnus depressus Hook.f.
Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
20 April 2004