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Veronica barkeri Cockayne

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Veronica barkeri Cockayne, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 31: 421 (1899)
Veronica barkeri Cockayne

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New Zealand
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Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri
Named after Samuel Delabere Barker (1848–1901), who collected the original material during a 2-month visit to the Chatham Is. in 1873 (Godley 1993).
Lectotype (designated by Moore, in Allan 1961): cultivated at Christchurch, plant originally from the Chatham Islands, L. Cockayne, AK 7663

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Stout erect upright-branching shrub. Branches terete, brownish purple, internodes c. 1 cm. long. Lvs patent, "pale apple-green", duller on undersurface, c. 5 cm. × 12 mm., lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, fleshy; lf-bud without sinus, the lf-base slightly > stem; lamina sub-acute, entire, one or both surfaces covered with extremely fine sparse pubescence when young. Infls lateral, simple, c. = lvs; peduncle pubescent, ± purple stained. Fls crowded, bracts subulate, acute, < pedicels. Calyx-lobes 3-3·5 mm. long, acute, ciliolate, the surface very finely pubescent like young lvs. Corolla-tube and obtuse lobes c. = calyx, style very pubescent. Capsule c. 5 × 4 mm., ovate, almost 2 × calyx.

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Hebe barkeri (Cockayne) Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Hebe gigantea (Cockayne) Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica gigantea Cockayne
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
Veronica salicifolia var. gigantea (Cockayne) Cheeseman
Veronica barkeri Cockayne

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Veronica barkeri Cockayne
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Veronica barkeri Cockayne
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Lectotype (designated by Moore, in Allan 1961): cultivated at Christchurch, plant originally from the Chatham Islands, L. Cockayne, AK 7663
Named after Samuel Delabere Barker (1848–1901), who collected the original material during a 2-month visit to the Chatham Is. in 1873 (Godley 1993).

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scientific name
24 January 2007
28 August 2022
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