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Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 128 (1864)
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida

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Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; branchlets grooved, angular, clad in rather loose white tomentum. Lvs 7-10 × 2.5-3·5 cm. on petioles up to 2 cm. long; oblong to ovate-oblong, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in soft white appressed tomentum below, margins flat to slightly undulate. Capitula ∞ on short sulcate pedicels, narrow, up to 7 mm. long; phyll. imbricate; lower ovate, pubescent, upper linear-oblong, ciliate. Florets 3-10 per capitulum, ray-florets 1-5, style-arms elongate. Achenes linear, ribbed, 1-1·5 mm. long, pubescent; pappus-hairs slightly thickened at tips, 3 mm. long.

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Eurybia albida Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Eurybia albida Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

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Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
12 May 2006
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