Celmisia hookeri Cockayne

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Celmisia hookeri Cockayne, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 47: 115 (1914 [1915])
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia Hookeri
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Large tufted herb with lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem, stock stout. Lamina ± 20-30-(50) × 4-8 cm., coriac., oblong to spathulate-oblong to broad-lanceolate; upper surface dark green, glab. to thinly floccose; lower surface densely clad in closely appressed ± lustrous soft white to pale buff tomentum, midrib prominent, main veins us. evident; apex acute; margins entire or obscurely toothed, clad in woolly hairs, narrowed to short petiole or directly into coriac. floccose sheath up to 7 × 1 cm. Scape stout, ± 30 cm. long, clad in appressed to spreading silky hairs. Bracts ∞, linear to narrowly spathulate, lower up to ± 12 × 1 cm., including petiole and sheath. Capitula ± 6-10.cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, softly white-woolly without, glab. or nearly so within, up to 2 cm. × 2 mm. Ray-florets ± 25 mm. long; limb narrow, minutely 3-toothed. Disk-florets tubular, somewhat thickened below, up to 8 mm. long. Achenes glab. or very nearly so, narrow-cylindric, ± compressed, grooved, c. 2.5-3 mm. long. Pappus-hairs slender, barbellate, up to c. 8 mm. long.
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
n = 54
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Woody-based herb with short branchlets arising from a sparsely multicipital stock, usually just below the soil surface; living leaves in rosettes at the tips of branchlets; the whole plant forming a mat of rosettes. Leaf sheaths densely imbricate and compacted into a pseudostem. Leaf lamina (12)-18-30- (40) × (4)-4.5-7-(9) cm., coriaceous, at first erect, tending to become decumbent with age, oblanceolate to elliptic; upper surface obscurely sulcate, veins sometimes impressed, concolorous, yellow- to pale green, usually silky hairy when young but becoming glabrous except along margins; lower surface densely covered with a lustrous tomentum of pale buff or creamy hairs, veins obvious; tip acute; margins entire, not recurved, with a rim of whitish to buff hairs; base obliquely cuneate; petiole ¼-1/3-(½) length of lamina, pale or occasionally deep purple, usually with a thin covering of lustrous pale hairs which are floccose towards the base. Scape purplish, covered in pale tomentum, up to 50 cm long; bracts numerous, erect, linear and sometimes leaflike; monocephalous. Capitula up to 10 cm diam. Phyllaries in several series, linear-subulate, erect, densely brown tomentose. Ray florets up to 80, ligulate, the limb linear-lanceolate, white. Disc florets up to 250, funneliform, yellow; tube with eglandular biseriate hairs. Achene fusiform-cylindric, ribbed, c. 5 mm long, glabrous. Pappus unequal, c. 9 mm long, of 35-40 bristles, n = 54.
Taxonomic concepts
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
5 May 2006