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Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874

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Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874
Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Ces.) Rostaf.
Badhamia macrocarpa

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Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874

PDD 63095, 68790.
Fruiting body a sporangium, sessile or short-stalked, scattered or crowded. Sporotheca subglobose or subannulate, varying to subplasmodiocarpous, 0.5–1.0 mm in diameter. Stalk, when present, yellow, darker at the base, furrowed, erect or submembranous and recumbent. Hypothallus scanty. Peridium consisting of a single layer, thin, rugose, sometimes sparingly calcareous, white above and often yellowish or brownish white below, hyaline when empty. Columella limy, with large nodes, often somewhat physaroid. Spores free, dark violaceous brown by transmitted light, finely but densely and somewhat irregularly warted, 11–12 µm in diameter. Plasmodium white or yellow.
Known from Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America (Martin & Alexopoulos 1969, Mitchell 1995). Not reported in print from New Zealand but represented by specimens collected in Wellington and Fiordland.
Leaf litter, dead bark, and other types of plant debris.
Martin & Alexopoulos (1969), Nannenga-Bremekamp (1991), Neubert et al. (1995), Ing (1999).
This apparently rather variable species (Farr 1976) can be distinguished from other members of the genus Badhamia known from New Zealand on the basis of the white peridium and the free, densely warted spores.

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Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874
Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. (1874)
Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874
Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. (1874)
Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874
Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. (1874)

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Badhamia macrocarpa (Ces.) Rostaf. 1874
[Not available]

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scientific name
25 January 2002
25 January 2002
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