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Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb

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Threat status: Endangered
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Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb in Connor & Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 151 (1987)
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb

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New Zealand
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(Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri

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Glab. herb up to 2 m. tall, with woody decumbent stems up to c. 2 cm. diam., branches ascending. Lvs on terete petioles up to 30 cm. or more long, winged and broadly auriculate at base; lamina 10-20 × 7·5-15·5 cm., membr., suborbicular, cordate and deeply lobed at base, acute at apex, margins sinuate, finely spinulose-serrate; upper lvs smaller, with large auricles, merging into narrow entire bracts of corymb. Capitula ∞ in large corymbs, 2-3·5 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-oblong, acute, pubescent to glab. Ray-florets 10-15; ligules bright yellow, narrow, spreading; disk-florets up to 35. Achenes narrow-oblong, ± pubescent. Pappus soft, cop., white.

Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb

2n = 60

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Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Senecio turneri Cheeseman
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
Senecio turneri Cheeseman
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb

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Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C.J.Webb
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 June 2006
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