Rubus squarrosus Fritsch

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Rubus squarrosus Fritsch, Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 36: 259 (1886)
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
36: 259
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus
Vernacular names
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Liane with slender to stout stems up to 10 m. or more tall; branchlets slender, unarmed to prickly; in open often of bushy growth with densely interlacing branchlets; prickles yellow, hardly recurved to straight. Lvs quinate to ternate, with prickly petioles and petiolules, stipules narrow-linear; lamina glab., polymorphic: (a) reduced almost to midrib, c. 1-5 cm. × 1-5 mm., often lobed at base, on petioles and petiolules up to 2 dm. long, us. beset with prickles; found on bushy form or on plants scrambling over low shrubs; passing into (b) well-developed lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, distantly serrate to crenate-serrate, sts lobed, rounded at base, up to 7 × 3 cm., petioles and petiolules shorter, unarmed to markedly prickly; midrib unarmed or sparingly prickly. Fls in panicles or racemes up to 2 dm. long, pedicels pubescent; sepals oblong-ovate, pubescent, c. 3-4 mm. long; petals 5, yellowish, linear-oblong, c. 4-5 mm. long; stamens ∞; carpels ∞; frs c. 6 mm. long, flesh orange-red.
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
2n = 28
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Liane with slender to stout stems, often ± leafless and forming a low bush of intertwining branchlets in exposed sites; stems terete, hairy when young; armature of short, curved (sometimes almost straight), yellow prickles. Lvs palmate; leaflets 3-(5), glabrous or rarely with scattered hairs on veins, serrate to crenate-serrate; terminal leaflet lamina ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, often lobed or much reduced, often to midrib only, up to 70 × 20-(40) mm, with petiolule (10)-30-200 mm long. Infl. a many-flowered panicle up to 5-(12) cm long. Petals yellowish. Drupelets orange-red.
Taxonomic concepts
Rubus cissoides var. pauperatus Kirk
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
scientific name
1 January 2000
28 June 2007