Uromyces haumata (G.Cunn.) McKenzie & Padamsee 2024

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Uromyces haumata (G.Cunn.) McKenzie & Padamsee in McKenzie et al., New Zealand J. Bot. [electronic] [45] (2024)
Uromyces haumata (G.Cunn.) McKenzie & Padamsee 2024
McKenzie & Padamsee
(G.Cunn.) McKenzie & Padamsee
Uromyces haumata
Hosts: Dauthonia Cunninghamii Hook. f. Base of Stocking Glacier, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 1,000 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Tasman Moraine, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 800 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Type. Danthonia flavescens Hook. f. Little Peel, Canterbury, 1,000 m., 1/28. G.H.C.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, scattered and elliptical when up to 3 nun. long, or aggregated into linear series 1 cm: or more in length, pulverulent, pallid ferruginous brown, partly covered by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose, or shortly elliptical, 36-42 x 32-36 mmm. ; epispore pallid chestnut-brown, 2 mmm. thick, moderately and finely verruculose; germ pores scattered, 7-11, obscure.
Both hosts are endemic and widely distributed (Cheesem. 1925, p. 172)
The spores are larger than those described by McAlpine (1906) for Uromyces Danthoniae from Australia, but otherwise show a general resemblance, especially in the numerous scattered germ pores. The species shows also a general resemblance to Uredo toetoe G. H. Cunn. on Arundo conspicua, but is separated by the much larger spores.
The spores are larger than those described by McAlpine (1906) for Uromyces Danthoniae from Australia, but otherwise show a general resemblance, especially in the numerous scattered germ pores. The species shows also a general resemblance to Uredo toetoe G. H. Cunn. on Arundo conspicua, but is separated by the much larger spores.
Campbell Island, boardwalk to Mt.Azimuth, on Chionochloa antarctica (Hook. f.) Zotov[Poaceae], March 14, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 73025– II).
Uromyces macnabbii is known only from New Zealand on several species of Chionochloa. This is the first record on C. antarctica.
Taxonomic concepts
Uredo haumata G. Cunn. (1928)
Uromyces macnabbii Cummins (1971)
Uromyces macnabbii Cummins (1971)
Uromyces macnabbii Cummins (1971)
scientific name
13 August 2024