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Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk

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Threat status: Vulnerable
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Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk, Stud. Fl. New Zealand 211 (1899)
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk

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New Zealand
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(F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii

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Glab. perennial herb with very stout deeply descending taproot. Flowering stem erect, up to c. 1 m. tall and 4 cm. diam. Lvs up to c. 6 dm. long, including sheathing petiole with 2 delicate blunt lobes. Lamina ± 15-30 × 10-20 cm. Primary pinnae 4-5 pairs, segs up to 8 cm. × 3 mm., linear, ± flaccid, bluntly mucronate. Infl. of several umbels, subpaniculately arranged, on stout peduncles c. 5-10-(15) cm. long. Primary bracts with broad base and pinnatisect lamina. Male umbels slender, with up to 15 rays ± 1 cm. long. Female umbels with 3-6 rays. Involucral bracts few, linear-lanceolate, acuminate. ♂ with distinct triangular acute calyx-teeth; petals oblong to ovate-oblong, ± 2 mm. long, inflexed. ♀ with distinct narrow-triangular, subacute calyx-teeth; petals c. 1·5 mm. long, obovate, inflexed. Fr. ± 15 × 10 mm., dorsally much-compressed. Mericarps, one 3- the other 2-(3)-winged; wings up to c. 3 mm. wide. Vittae 1-2 in each groove, 2-3 on commissural face.

Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk

2n = 22
n = 11

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Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Coxella dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Cheeseman & Hemsl.
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
Ligusticum dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk

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Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Kirk
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 April 2013
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