Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.

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Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 6 (1844)
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
also occurs on Macquarie Island
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa
The specific epithet corymbosa (Latin: corymb) refers to the inflorescence.
Lectotype (designated by Heenan 2017): J. Hooker s.n., Campbells Id., K!
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Perennial glabrate to pilose slender herb, with rather stout branched stock, stems decumbent to ascending, up to 10 cm. long, very slender, somewhat flexuose. Lvs scattered, few, on slender to filiform petioles up to 3 cm. or more long, simple to trifoliolate, rarely with a further pair of minute pinnules; terminal lflt broad-ovate to suborbicular, cordate to broad-cuneate at base, up to c. 1 cm. × 7·5 mm., shallowly lobed· to entire. Aerial fls solitary to clustered or corymbosely arranged, on slender pedicels c. 3-4 cm. long; sepals oblong, up to 2 mm. long; petals white, obovate, up to c. 3 mm. long, rarely obsolescent, shortly clawed. Siliques 1-2 cm. × 1-1·5 mm.; style hardly 1mm. long. Subterranean cleistogamic fls apetalous, solitary, on recurved peduncles; sepals minute; stamens minute, 1 to 4; siliques conical, c. 3-5 mm. long, curved; seeds 1-6.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
2n = 48
n = 24
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Rhizomatous perennial herb. Stems ascending or decumbent, glabrous, purplish or green, bearing persistent crowded lf bases below, (2)-5-10-(20) cm tall. Lvs not dying back after fruiting, in compact rosettes, often whorled on older stems, glabrous, or hairy on upper surface, green, thin or rarely sub-fleshy. Basal lvs pinnate or entire; petiole long; terminal leaflet > laterals, not lobed, rarely sinuate, reniform to triangular-ovate; lateral leaflets in 0-2-(4) pairs, obovate or elliptic, entire; petiolules short or 0. Cauline lvs few or 0, similar to basal, usually smaller and entire. Infl. corymbose or whorled, sometimes forking; peduncle glabrous, (0)-2-15 cm long, often suppressed giving the appearance of many solitary pedicels. Pedicels glabrous, slender, ascending, 5-20-(100) mm long at fruiting. Sepals glabrous or hairy, purplish or green, 1-1.8 × 0.4-1 mm. Petals white, erect or spreading, spathulate (narrow in subantarctic plants), (2)-3-4.5-(6) × (1)-1.5-(3) mm, rarely 0. Stamens 4 or 6. Cleistogamous fls produced in late summer and autumn, borne among petioles: sepals c. 0.5 mm long; petals 0-0.5 mm long; stamens 4; ovary very small. Silique brown or purplish, erect or erecto-patent, 10-20-(30) × 0.5-1-(2) mm; valves glabrous or hairy; style (0)-1 mm long. Seeds oblong, yellow to pale brown, 1-(1.5) mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine hirsuta var. corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine hirsuta var. corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine hirsuta var. corymbosa Hook.f.
Historic biostatus
Lectotype (designated by Heenan 2017): J. Hooker s.n., Campbells Id., K!
The specific epithet corymbosa (Latin: corymb) refers to the inflorescence.
scientific name
1 January 2000
4 January 2018