Plantago lanigera Hook.f.

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Plantago lanigera Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 227 (1864)
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Primary root short-lived. Stem short, unbranched, clothed with cop. long fine hairs, adventitious roots ∞ from amongst old lf-bases. Lvs rosulate, firm-textured, us. forming a close flat mat; lamina up to 20 × 7 mm., about rhomboid, tapering to short broad petiole, tip obtuse, margin entire or with inconspicuous teeth; hairs long and crowded, covering whole upper surface of young lf but wearing from unprotected tip with age, undersurface glab. or with scattered hairs; veins not evident except midrib. Scape very short to exceeding lvs, covered with close crisped hairs. Spike (1)-2-4-(6)-fld. Bracts < 2 mm. long, broad at base, narrowed above, tip subacute, glab. but including tuft of hairs, keel raised but ill-defined; sepals 2-3 mm. long, oblong, obtuse to subacute, glab., keel narrow and distinct, almost excurrent. Corolla-tube short, lobes narrow, acute, 1·5 × 0·5 mm.; anthers up to 1 mm. long; ovules up to 12; capsule up to 3 mm. long, the transverse split much below sepal-tips; seeds squarish, angular.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
2n = 24
2n = 12
2n = 24
2n = 24
2n = 12
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots numerous from amongst old lf bases. Stem short, simple, clothed with copious long fine hairs. Lvs radical, rosulate and usually forming a close flat mat; petiole short, broad. Lamina 5-50 × 3-20 mm, narrowly to broadly elliptic or somewhat rhombic, subcoriaceous, with scattered to dense, long, curled septate hairs or nearly glabrous, especially beneath; lateral veins 2, usually inconspicuous; margin entire or with inconspicuous teeth, mostly ciliate; base attenuate; apex broad and ± obtuse. Scape c. 0.5-8-(17) cm long, sparsely to densely pilose. Spike 1-8-(20)-flowered, to c. 1-(2.5) cm long. Bracts 1.5-2.5-(5) mm long, ovate, glabrous or nearly so; keel raised, rather wide, herbaceous, otherwise bract membranous. Sepals 2-3.5 mm long, elliptic-oblong or ovate-oblong, glabrous; keel distinct. Corolla tube short; lobes 1.2-1.8 × 0.4-0.8 mm, narrow-ovate or ovate. Capsule 2-3 mm long, ± suborbicular to broad-ellipsoid. Seeds 4- c. 14, 1-2 mm long, rather irregular in shape.
Taxonomic concepts
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Plantago lanigera var. petriei Cheeseman
Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
Historic biostatus
Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
also indigenous to New Guinea
"... . This might suggest that two species are indeed present, but the issue needs further testing because none of the five individuals sampled in Tay et al. (2010) can be definitively identified as P. novae-zelandiae.
scientific name
1 January 2000
18 June 2012