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Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish. 2010

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Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish., Mycoscience 51 361 (2010)
Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish. 2010

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New Zealand
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Globisporangium debaryanum is not known to be present in New Zealand, although some specimens and cultures have been recorded under the name of Pythium debaryanum, however this name has been misapplied and the identity of the cultures needs to be verified [BSW 2018]

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Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish.
R. Hesse
(R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish.
Globisporangium debaryanum

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Bassett (1958), and Thulin, Will, and Bassett (1958) found Pythium spp. to be associated with damping-off of seedlings of conifers in nursery beds at State Forest Service nurseries. Pythium spp. were also found associated with pre-emergence rot of pea seedlings (Brien, Chamberlain, et al., 1955). Smith (1953) found a Pythium sp. among organisms associated with black root rot of strawberries. In the Te Kauwhata district in Auckland Province Atkinson (1953a) and Newhook (1957) found a Pythium sp. associated with discoloration in phloem tissue of pear trees, which showed a sudden wilt.
Type: Radicicolous Fungi; Description: Colonies on corn meal agar radiate, aerial mycelium sparse. Sporangia terminal or intercalary, globose to subglobose, 12–30 μm in diameter, or elliptical to limoniform, 15–35 × 6–27 μm. Oogonia terminal, globose to subglobose, 16–27 μm in diameter, smooth. Antheridia 1–6 per oogonium, mostly diclinous. Oospores aplerotic, 15–25 μm in diameter.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Rangitikei, Wanganui, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Dunedin.; 1st Record: Kirk (1906).
Notes: This is a confused species. The following description is based on New Zealand isolates identified as ‘Pythium debaryanum auct. non Hesse’ (Robertson 1980).
Significance: Commonly isolated from diseased roots and damped-off seedlings (Robertson 1973a). Reported to be moderately pathogenic to roots of vegetable seedlings (Robertson 1976).; Host(s): Acacia sp., Adiantum sp., Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Daphne odora, Dodonaea viscosa, Fuchsia ×hybrida, Ginkgo biloba, Hebe sp., Leucadendron sp., Ligustrum sp., Mahonia aquifolium, Malus ×domestica, Persea americana, Rosa multiflora.

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Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish. 2010
Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish.
Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish. 2010
Pythium debaryanum R. Hesse
Globisporangium debaryanum (R. Hesse) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish. 2010

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22 February 2018
24 December 2021
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