Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.

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Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 5 (1864)
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii
Vernacular names
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Tufted ± pilose herb up to 3 dm. tall, sparingly to much branched. Stock very stout; main roots stout, fleshy, full of milky juice; main stems stout, ± pilose, up to c. 1 dm. long or more. Radical lvs on petioles 5-15 cm. long with stout broad sheaths; lamina ± reniform in outline, 5-15 cm. diam., ternatisect; divisions stalked, ± divided into cuneate segs ± 1 cm. × 5-10 mm., abruptly acute. Cauline lvs similar, subsessile. Infl. of a solitary fl. or 2-4 together. Fls 3-7 cm. diam. Sepals narrow-oblong, villous, us. 5, becoming reflexed, 15 × 3 mm. Petals 15-20 or more, narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate, white, 2 cm. × 5 mm. rounded at apex. Nectary gland small, basal. Fruiting head subglobose, 1-2 cm. diam. Achenes brown, pilose to glabrate, turgid, obliquely obovoid, ± 2 × 1 mm. Style slender, ± 5 mm. long.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
2n = 48
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stem erect, with silky hairs or almost glabrous, 20-30 cm tall. Lvs 1-2-ternate, fleshy, glaucous, 10-20 cm diam., with silky hairs; lobes toothed or divided. Fls 1-3 per stem, 4-6 cm diam.; pedicels hairy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 15-25, white, linear-oblong; nectary single, 1-2-(4) mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle hairy. Achenes very numerous, not flattened, hairy; body 2-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 4-6 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
Ranunculus buchananii var. latilobus Allan
Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2007