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Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023

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Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous in Hou et al., Studies in Mycology 105 97 (2023)
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Hou et all also cite a specimen from Australia, CBS 650.75, although Hou et al. 2023 discuss morphological differences between the NZ and Australian specimens

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L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous
(Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous
Lasionectriopsis dentifera

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ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND. Auckland Province, Waitemata County, Wenderholm Scenic Reserve, on decorticated wood of ? Sophora microphylla Ait., Dingley et al., 26 Sep. 1973 (PDD 32554, Samuels 73-206).

CONIDIAL STATE: Acremonium sp.

Mycelium not visible. Perithecia solitary. yellow to orange, globose, 200-250 µm diam., with an apical, stellate crown of hairs, becoming collabent or not collapsing when dry, not changing colour in 3% potassium hydroxide. Perithecial wall 20-25 µm thick. Surface view: cells prosenchymatous, walls 1-2 µm thick. Longitudinal section: outer region 10-15 µm wide, cells prosenchymatous, walls of cells 1-2 µm thick; inner region 5-10 µm wide, cells ellipsoidal to flattened, 5-15 µm long x 2-3 µm wide, walls c. 1 µm thick and pigmented, cells becoming progressively more flattened toward the interior. Perithecial hairs fasciculate, forming a yellow, stellate, apical disc, 150-200 µm diam.; composed of unbranched, septate, tightly bound hyphae, 3-4 µm wide with walls 1-2 µm thick; arising from the prosenchymatous region of the outer perithecial wall. Perithecial papilla lacking or short and acute, ostiolar opening formed by narrow, hyphal elements arising from the inner region of the Perithecial wall; ostiolar canal periphysate. Asci cylindrical, 45-55 x 5-6 µm, 8-spored; apices rounded, with a ring; bases rounded; ascospores uniseriate, forming throughout the length. Ascospores elliptical to fusiform-elliptical, 6-8 (-9) x 3-4 µm, equally 2-celled with one drop in each cell, finely spinulose., not constricted at the septum, hyaline.

CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE CMD: Ascospores germinating overnight, one short germ tube arising from each cell. Colonies 2-3.5 cm diam., translucent to opaque, white to pale pink, aerial mycelium loose and cottony, margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. ME: 1-1.5 cm diam., opaque, white to pale pink; aerial mycelium as erect, outwardly directed, hyphal, rope-like strands; margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. OA: 2-2.5 cm diam., opaque, white; aerial mycelium as hyphal, rope-like strands; margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. WAS: 4 cm diam., transparent, white, aerial mycelium sparse, margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. Phialophores forming on CMD, ME, OA, and WAS, arising from the surface of the agar and from the aerial mycelium; monophialidic, or irregularly and frequently branched, 0-2 septate, straight, smooth. 22-58 µm long, 2-3 µm wide basally, subtending hypha 2-3 µm wide. A solitary phialide constituting the terminal (9-) 20-40 (-50) µm of each phialophore, 1-1.5 µm wide at the unflared tip. Phialoconidia globose, 2-3 µm diam., to broadly elliptical, 3-4 x 2.5-3 µm, unicellular, hyaline, with a slightly protuberant, flattened, basal abscission scar. Arising in basipetal succession and held in a solitary drop of hyaline liquid.

HABITAT: On bark and decorticated wood.
Perithecia globosa, 200-250 µm diametro, luteola; appendiculis cellulosis planis trigonis hyalino-stramineis tenuis vestita; asci cylindrici, 45-55 x 5-6 µm, ad apicem cum annulo instructi; ascosporee aeque bicellulares, ellipsoideae vel fusiformae-ellipsoideae. 6-8 x 3-4 µm, hyalinae, minutae tuberculatae. HOLOTYPUS: PDD 32565.
NOTES: Nectria dentifera is closely related to N. peristomialis which has much longer, fusiform ascospores. The flat apical disc of hairs gives the perithecia of N. dentifera a discomycetous aspect.
HOLOTYPE: NEW ZEALAND: Westland Province. Westland County, Ianthe State Forest (S.F. 42), vic. Lake Ianthe, on bark of Dacrydium cupressinum Soland., Samuels 74-43. 30 Apr.-1 May 1974 (PDD 32565).
Anamorph. Cephalosporiopsis sp.
Mycelium not evident. Perithecia superficial, nonstromatic, globose with a flat apex, 200-250 µm diam., yellow to orange, with short, tooth-like processes composed of triangular fascicles of hyphae arising from around the perithecial apex. Asci cylindrical, 45-55 x 5-6 µm, apex with a ring. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 6-8 x 3-4 µm, 1-septate, finely spinulose, colorless.
Habitat. On bark and decorticated wood.
Note. For illustrations and a complete description see Samuels (1976b, as Nectria dentifera).

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Ijuhya dentifera (Samuels) Rossman & Samuels 1999
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Nectria dentifera Samuels 1976
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels 1988
Lasionectriopsis dentifera (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023

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3 July 2023
3 July 2023
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