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Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels 1988

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(Samuels) Samuels
NZ holotype
Peristomialis dentifera

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Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels 1988

Anamorph. Cephalosporiopsis sp.
Mycelium not evident. Perithecia superficial, nonstromatic, globose with a flat apex, 200-250 µm diam., yellow to orange, with short, tooth-like processes composed of triangular fascicles of hyphae arising from around the perithecial apex. Asci cylindrical, 45-55 x 5-6 µm, apex with a ring. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 6-8 x 3-4 µm, 1-septate, finely spinulose, colorless.
Habitat. On bark and decorticated wood.
Note. For illustrations and a complete description see Samuels (1976b, as Nectria dentifera).

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Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels 1988
Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels 1988
Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels 1988
Peristomialis dentifera (Samuels) Samuels (1988)

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scientific name
12 November 1999
3 July 2023
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