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Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan

Scientific name record
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Cockayne & Allan
(Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana

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Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan

Erect much-branched shrub to 1 m. tall. Branchlets rather stout, bifariously pubescent with harsh, sts golden hairs; internodes scarcely longer than broad, lf-scars on older twigs very rough. Lvs suberect to spreading, sts distichous, 10-17 × 5-8 mm., elliptic-oblong, coriac., shining above, glaucous below except on prominent midrib and slightly thickened margin; lf-bud with narrow sinus; lamina subacute, entire, glab. except for few minute hairs above midrib when young; petiole very short and winged to its rather broad base. Infls lateral, simple, to 2∙5 cm. long; peduncle short, hairy-pubescent. Fls very shortly pedicelled in axils of equally short ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes c. 2 mm. long, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube not > calyx, lobes much longer, rounded. Capsule to 5 mm. long, erect, acuminate, glab., dark.

Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan

n = 60
2n = 120

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Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 July 2011
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