Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
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Entoloma latericolor E. Horak, Sydowia 28 194 (1976 [1975])
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
E. Horak
E. Horak
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
NZ holotype (PDD 30274)
Entoloma latericolor
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Material examined: Holotype (PDD 30274) : New Zealand, N of Auckland, Hobson Co., Waipoua Forest, 16. IV. 1972, leg. DINGLEY.
Pileus up to 35 mm diam. convex or indistinctly campanulate, without conspicuous umbo or papilla, old carpophores plane; cinnamon brown to brick red with radial buff to rosy buff streaks; dry glabrous to slightly fibrillose or hairy, striate hygrophanous. Lamellae free to adnexed ventricose ((-5 mm wide), distant; cinnamon when young turning brick red. Stipe 50-90/3-4 mm cylindrical or attenuated towards the apex, rosy red with touches of brick red, base white; fibrillose dry hollow fragile single. Context pale brownish to brick red. Odour and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions unknown. Spores 7-11 mµ, cuboid. Basidia 45-50/14-16 mµ, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 50-70/8-12 mµ, fusoid with capitate apex sometimes several constrictions near the neck, membrane hyaline thin-walled, pigment absent. Cuticle a cutis of repent cylindrical hyphae (4-8 mµ diam.) plasmatic pigment present, membranes notgelatinized. Clamp connections numerous.
Habitat: On rotten wood of Agathis australis. New Zealand.
Pileo usque ad 35 mm lato, convxo-campanulato, e cinnamomeo lateritio. Lamellis subliberis. Stipite -90/-4 mm, cylindraceo, roseobrunneolo. Sporis 7-11 mµ, cuboideis. Cheilocystidiis fusoideocapitatis, apicem versus constrictis. Ad terram vel lignum putridum. Nova Zelandia.
Like the Malayan E. aurantio-album C. & Hg. this species also grows on rotten wood. The two taxa, however, are distinguished by the colours, the shape of the cystidia and the size of the spores.
Typus (PDD 30274) Waipoua, 16. IV. 1972.
Taxonomic concepts
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak (1976) [1975]
Entoloma latericolor E. Horak 1976 [1975]
Global name resources
New Zealand, N of Auckland, Hobson Co., Waipoua Forest, 16. IV. 1972, leg. DINGLEY, Holotype PDD 30274
scientific name
1 January 2000
13 December 2022