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Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984

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Entoloma horakii Courtec., Doc. Mycol. 14 85 (1984)
Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984

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New Zealand
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NZ holotype
Entoloma horakii

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Holotype (PDD 27059); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 69/14): 'W of Matakitaki-River, Murchison, N.Z; leg. Horak, 25.I.1969'.
Pileus 2-5 mm diam., minute, hemispherical to convex, fragile, estriate, dry, brownish to beige, densely covered with white or concolorous fibrillose squamules. Lamellae (L 1-3, l  0) broadly adnexed, distant, brownish with concolorous, flocculose gill edge. Stipe -4 x -1 mm, cylindric, densely covered with brownish or white fibrils, dry, fragile. Context very brittle, greyish. Odor and taste none.
Spores 16-20 x 10-12 µm, tuberculate-angular, 6-9-angled. Basidia 32-44 x 15-18 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia none, but the gill edge may be covered with thin-walled hyphae (see cuticle). Cuticle a trichoderm consisting of cylindrical, thick-walled, strongly pigmented hyphae, membrane brown, not gelatinized. Clamp connections absent.
On soil in forests (Podocarpus dacrydioides, Elaeocarpus hookerianus, Melicytus ramiflorus, etc.). New Zealand.
Pileo 2-5 mm lato, minuto, fragili, convexo vel hemisphaerico, ex brunneolo argillaceo, dense flocculoso fibrilloso, sicco. Lamellis late adnatis, distantibus, argillaceis, acie flocculosa instructis. Stipite -4 x -1 mm, cylindraceo, pileo concolori, sicco, dense fibrillis concoloribus vel albis obtecto. Odore saporeque nullo. Sporis 16-20 x 10-12 µm, multiangulatis. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis trichodermium formantibus, membrana crassa grosse pigmento brunneo incrustatis. Septis defibulatis. Ad terram in silvis. Novazelandia.
This species fits easily into the genus Pouzaromyces Pilat which is characterized by large, many-angled spores and hair-like, thick-walled hyphae on pileus, gill edges and stipe. P. minutus differs from all other known species of that genus by its small dimensions of the fruiting bodies, morphology of the cuticular hyphae and colours.
Holotypus (PDD 27059): 'Murchison, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 25.I.1969'.

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Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984
Entoloma horakii Courtec. (1984)
Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984
Entoloma horakii Courtec.
Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984
Entoloma horakii Courtec. (1984)
Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984
Entoloma horakii Courtec. (1984)
Pouzaromyces minutus E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984

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Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Entoloma horakii Courtec. 1984
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
16 December 2024
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