Cantharellus elsae (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1971

Cantharellus elsae (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1971
Whereas the clampless C. elsae may shed some doubt as to whether or not some of the more ancient Cantharellus were associated with Nothofagus, remarkably few chanterelles are associated with this host tree genus. Of the three reported chanterelles that do so, both C. elsae and the New Caledonian C. garnierii appear to be host generalists (Ducousso et al. 2004), whereas the very small C. nothofagorum R. H. Petersen & Mueller is only known from the type collection in Argentina. Based on morphology, both latter chanterelles would seem to fit in subgenus Cinnabarinus or Parvocantharellus.
Cantharellus elsae (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1971
Hygrophorus elsae Stevenson (28 D) = Cantharellus elsae (Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: H. elsae Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 375, 1962)
A redescription of this species will be published by McNabb in the near future.
H. elsae Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 375 (1962) = Cantharellus elsae (Stev.) Horak, N.Z.Journ Bot.9: 420 (1971).
Cantharellus elsae (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1971
The above description is adapted from that of Stevenson with the addition of certain microscopical characters. The type specimen, which was jointly examined with Dr E. Horak, is in fragmentary condition, but the extremely long basidia and lack of organisation of the hymenophoral trama indicate that this species belongs in the Cantharellaceae rather than Hygrophoraceae.
Cantharellus elsae can be accommodated in subgenus Cantharellus sect. Cantharellus as defined by Corner (1966) although the absence of clamp connections is not typical of this section.