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Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
NZ holotype
Hygrophorus elsae
in litter under Nothofagus, Lake Rotoiti, Nelson, [New Zealand] 21.4.1954, Stevenson 948 Holotype K(M) 59493, kleptotype PDD 99951 [Cole]

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Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

H. elsae Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 375 (1962) =  Cantharellus elsae (Stev.) Horak, N.Z.Journ Bot.9: 420 (1971).

Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Other Stevenson collection in K, GS 1081 Original Stevenson label used Cantharellus rather than Hygrophorus

Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

Pileus 3-4 cm. Diam., pale salmon, hemispherical or joined in irregular spathulate groups, matt or subfibrillose; flesh pinkish, somewhat brittle. Gills deeply decurrent, salmon, thick, distant, irregularly forking, running into shallow grooves on the stipe. Stipe 2-3 X 0.5-1 cm., or in irregular fused clumps, concolorous, matt, velvety. Spores 5.5-6 X 9-9.5 µm., ovoid, hyaline, Basidia 60-70 X 8 µm., four-spored.
habitat: in litter under Nothofagus, Lake Rotoiti, Nelson, 21.4.19541 Stevenson, & E. Kidson. 16.5,1956.
Pileus 3-4 cm, diam,, dilute salmoneus (pilei singuli hermisphaerici, sed saepe irregulariter catervatim conjuncti), impolitus vel subfibrillosus; came roseola subfragili. Lamellae longe decurrentes, salmoneae, crassae, distantes, irregulariter furcatae, in canaliculos tenues ad stipitem transeuntes. Stipites singuli 2-3 X 0.5-1 cm., sed saepe irregulariter fasciculati, concolores, impoliti, velutini. Sporae 5.5-6 X 9-9.5 µm. ovoideae, hyalinae.
 Typus: Stevenson 948,

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Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. (1963) [1962]

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Hygrophorus elsae G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
New Zealand

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in litter under Nothofagus, Lake Rotoiti, Nelson, [New Zealand] 21.4.1954, Stevenson 948 Holotype K(M) 59493, kleptotype PDD 99951 [Cole]

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1 January 2000
9 January 2003
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