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Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968

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Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 6 148 (1968)
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968

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New Zealand
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Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
NZ holotype
Xerocomus squamulosus
Under N. solandri, [New Zealand], Canterbury, Ashley Gorge, 25 Mar 1966, R.F.R. McN., holotype PDD 25167, isotype BPI 783654, BR 5020022023042

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Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968

COLLECTION EXAMINED: Under N. solandri, Canterbury, Ashley Gorge, 25 Mar 1966, R.F.R. McN., (HOLOTYPE, PDD 25167).
PILEUS: plano-convex to applanate, 2.5-5.5 cm diam., dry, velutinate when young, becoming finely squamulose at maturity, cinnamon brown to chestnut brown; cuticle a trichodermium, composed of erect, branched, septate hyphae 10-18 µm. diam., with brownish contents, becoming disorganised and fragmentary with age; margin entire, often slightly extending beyond pores, sterile. HYMENOPHORE: tubes to 4mm long, slightly excavated around apex of stipe, adnate or subdecurrent, lemon yellow at first, becoming darker yellow at maturity; pores concolorous with tubes, large, angular, 1-1.5 mm diam., radially elongated near apex of stipe; staining greenish blue where damaged. STIPE: 2.5-5 cm long, more or less equal or tapering basally, 3-6-(9) mm diam., solid, fibrous, dry, finely granular to furfuraceous by aggregation of caulocystidia, pallid fawn to mid brown, often pallid yellow at extreme apex; flesh pallid yellow; annulus absent. SPORES: spore print not obtained; spores melleous, elliptic-subfusiform, 9.6-11.7-(13.4) X 3.9-5 µm, smooth. HYMENIUM: basidia hyaline, clavate, 28-35 X 9-10.5 µm, 4-spored; cystidia numerous, scattered, hyaline, thin-walled, cylindrical to narrowly ventricose-rostrate, 42-66 X 7-10 µm. HYMENOPHORAL TRAMA: bilateral, of the Phylloporus subtype; clamp connections absent. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: pallid yellow, slowly bluing on exposure to air.
HABITAT: Solitary, gregarious or occasionally caespitose under Nothofagus.

In the absence of information on the ammonia reaction of fresh pilei it is not possible to insert Xerocomus squamulosus into Singer's (1962) subgeneric classification.

The species is characterised by the cinnamon brown to chestnut brown, finely squamulose pileus, yellow hymenophore, which turns greenish blue where damaged, and large angular pores.

Pileus plano-convexus ad applanatum, 2.5-5.5 cm diam., siccus, velutinus ubi juvenilis, subtiliter squamulosus ubi maturus, cinnamomeus ad castaneum. Tubi subexcavati, adnati vel subdecurrentes, primo citrini, fusciores ubi maturi; pori concolores, grandes, angulares, 1-1.5 mm diam.; glaucescentes ubi laesi. Stipes 2.5-5 cm longus, plus minusve aequalis vel ad basim attenuatus, 3-6-(9) mm diam., subtiliter granulatus ad furfuraceum, subhinnulinus ad meso-brunneum. Sporae elliptico-subfusiformes, 9.6-11.7-(13,4) x 3.9-5 µm, leves. Typus Canterbury Province, Ashley Gorge, 25 Mar 1966, R.F.R. McN., PDD 25167.

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Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb (1968)
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb (1968)
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb (1968)
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb (1968)
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968

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Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand
Xerocomus squamulosus McNabb 1968
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Sequence data indicate X. squamulosus and X. scabripes are synonyms of X. lentistipitatus [JAC]
Under N. solandri, [New Zealand], Canterbury, Ashley Gorge, 25 Mar 1966, R.F.R. McN., holotype PDD 25167, isotype BPI 783654, BR 5020022023042

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1 January 2000
15 December 2003
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