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Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896

Scientific name record
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New Zealand
Political Region
The earliest record in NZ is from 1919 (PDD 171) [BSW, 24 April 2023]

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as 'pirina'
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina

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Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, aggregated in groups, immersed, globose, brown, 0.1–0.25 mm in diameter, ostiole papillate, occasionally surrounded by up to 50 brown setae; on the lower surfaces of fallen leaves. Asci saccate, 40–70 μm long. Ascospores elliptical, 1-septate, 14–20 × 4–8 μm, smooth, olivaceous. Conidia broadly fusiform, 0–1-septate, 17–28 × 8–10 μm, smooth, olivaceous brown.
Distribution: Auckland, Waikato, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Nelson, Dunedin.; 1st Record: Curtis (1921).
Significance: The symptoms of ‘black spot’ of pears and apples are very similar. On living leaves, shoots, and fruit, only the Fusicladium state is found, forming dark olivaceous brown, velvety colonies. The fungus lives as a saprobe on fallen leaves during the winter, producing ascomata in the spring.; Host(s): Pyrus communis.

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Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh.
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh.
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh.
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh.
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
Venturia pyrina Aderh. (1896)

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Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
New Zealand
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
New Zealand
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
New Zealand
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
New Zealand
Venturia pyrina Aderh. 1896
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
24 April 2023
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