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Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890

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Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr., Overs. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1890 13 (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890

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New Zealand
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(Pers.) Rostr.
Ustilago avenae

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Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890

Neill (1927a) stated that loose smut in flower heads was common in oat crops throughout New Zealand. He noted that a formalin steep or hot-water treatment of seed prior to sowing gave control of the disease. Wratt (1956) noted that loose smut was still present in New Zealand: unfortunately seed disinfection has not been universally adopted.

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Uredo segetum γ avenae Pers. (1797)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. (1890)
Ustilago perennans Rostr.
Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. 1890
Ustilago segetum var. avenae (Pers.) Brunaud (1878)

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scientific name
6 September 2002
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