Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964

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Tricholoma elegans G. Stev., Kew Bull. 19 16 (1964)
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
K(M)235263, Stevenson 911. The material confirms the modern concept of T. elegans.Within NZ Tricholoma this variable species is only possibly confused with T. 'nelsoniana' with a morphology requiring clarification. It seems likley the latter differes in its squamulose/fibrillose stipe/pileus. These characters are not present in this type material. Spores length=4.7–7.5µm (µ=6.0, σ=0.59), width=4.0–5.4µm (µ=4.7, σ=0.34), Q=1.1–1.5µm (µ=1.28, σ=0.11), n=20
, excluding prominent apiculus, to 1.5um.
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Pileus 4-9 cm diam., orange rufous to flesh colour, plane to broadly concave with a waved margin, moist at first, drying fibrillose scaly; flesh creamy at first becoming orange rufous. Gills sinuate, moderately crowded, creamy becoming blotched with light brown. Stipe 10-12 x 1 cm, orange rufous to flesh colour, white at base, fibrillose striate with sparse flocculent scales below, equal or nearly so, solid, flesh continuous with that of cap. Spores 5-7 x 4-5 µm non-amyloid, thin-walled (Fig. 30). Cuticle of loosely woven hyphae up to 10 µm diam. Noticeable fungus smell.
Under Nothofagus, Nelson, 25.4-19491 Stevenson; & Waipori, 31.5.19531 Stevenson (type).
Pileus 4-9 cm diam., aurantiaco-rufus usque carneus, planus usque late concavus, margine undulato, primum humidus, siccitate fibrilloso-squamosus; came primum cremea deinde aurantiaco-rufa. Lamellae sinuosae, modice confertae, cremeae, deinde maculis latis laete brunneis coloratae. Stipes 10-12 x 1 cm, aurantiaco-rufus usque carneus, basi albus, squamis sparsis flocculosis inferne fibrilloso-striatus, plus minus aequalis, solidus; came cum pileo continua. Sporae 5-7 x 4.5-5 µm haud amyloideae, parietibus tenuibus. Cuticula ex hyphis laxe intertextis usque 10 µm diam. sistens. Odor fungosus manifestus.
Spires inamyloid
Typus: Stevenson 911
Taxonomic concepts
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. (1964)
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. (1964)
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. (1964)
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. (1964)
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Tricholoma elegans G. Stev. 1964
Global name resources
New Zealand. under Nothofagus, Nelson, 25.4.1949, Stevenson 991, Holotype K(M) 235263
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 December 2022