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Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983

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Gadgil & M.A. Dick
Gadgil & M.A. Dick
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
NZ holotype
Trimmatostroma bifarium
in foliis vivis Eucalypti regnantis prope Kinleith, Novazelandia;[New Zealand] coll. D. J. Rawcliffe, Sep 1981, holotype NZFRI 5, isotype PDD 42845

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Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Mycelium superficial, hyphae brown, septate, 2–4 μm wide. Conidio-mata sporodochial, often arranged in circular groups, up to 0.4 mm in diameter, dark brown to black. Conidia formed in basipetal chains, fragmenting, 5–9-septate when mature, each consisting of two parallel rows of cells with a common thickened base, 12–24 × 6–14 μm, brown. Leaf spots brown, discrete or confluent, roughly circular, 2–15 mm in diameter, centre often raised and crusty, on both sides of leaves. This fungus cannot be distinguished from T. excentricum on macroscopic appearance alone.
Distribution: Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Taupo, Nelson, Buller, Marlborough.; 1st Record: Gadgil & Dick (1983).
Significance: None. Found only in the lower crown of affected trees.; Host(s): Eucalyptus delegatensis, E. fastigata, E. obliqua, E. regnans, E. sieberi.

Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983

HABITAT: in foliis vivis Eucalypti regnantis prope Kinleith, Novazelandia; coll. D.J. Rawcliffe, Sep 1981, NZFRI 5 holotypus; PDD 42845 isotypus. In foliis vivis E. delegatensis (Zandvoort, Rotoehu, Oct 1981, NZFRI 107, PDD 42846), E. fastigatae (Rawcliffe, Kinleith, May 1981, NZFRI 108, PDD 42847), E. sieberi (Zandvoort, Rotoehu, Feb 1981, NZFRI 109, PDD 42848), paratypi.
Leaf spots amphigenous, roughly circular, 2-18 mm diam., mostly discrete but occasionally confluent, with concentric brown or brownish zones. Mycelium superficial, repent; hyphae brown 3-4 µm wide, septate. Sporodochia amphigenous, brown to black, pulvinate, often arranged in circular groups, up to 350 µm in diam. Conidiophores micronematous, short, aggregated, brown. Conidia formed in basipetal chains, fragmenting, brown, consisting of 2 parallel and discrete to laterally fused rows of cells with a common thickened, transverse base and obtuse apices, 12-24 x 6-14 µm, 6-10-celled when mature (with 3-5 cells in each row).
Maculis amphigenis, subrotundatis, 2-18 mm diam., sparsis raro confluentibus, in zonis concentricis brunneis vel brunneolis divisis. Mycelio superficiali, repenti; hyphis brunneis, 3-4 µm crassis, septatis. Sporodochiis amphigenis, brunneis vel atris, pulvinatis, in catervis circularibus (usque ad 350 µm diam.) dispositis. Conidiophoris brevibus, confertis, brunneis. Conidiis catenulatis, basipetis, fragmentis, brunneis, cellulis duobus parallele seriebus ordinatis, ad apices obtusis, basibus communibus incrassatis, 12-24 x 6-14 µm, 6-10 cellularis ubi maturis, (3-5 in quoque serie).

The specific epithet refers to the arrangement of the conidial cells in 2 rows.

Trimmatostroma excentricum Sutton et Ganapathi, described from Eucalyptus delegatensis (Sutton & Ganapathi 1978), has 4-celled conidia with 2 primary basal cells and 2 secondary cells (Fig. 6) whereas the conidia of T. bifarium are 6-10-celled with the cells arranged in 2, equal or unequal, parallel rows (Fig. 5).

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Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M. Dick (1983)

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Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
New Zealand

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in foliis vivis Eucalypti regnantis prope Kinleith, Novazelandia;[New Zealand] coll. D. J. Rawcliffe, Sep 1981, holotype NZFRI 5, isotype PDD 42845

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16 May 2023
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