Gadgil, P.D.; Dick, M.A. 1983: Fungi eucalyptorum novazelandiae: Septoria pulcherrima sp. nov. and Trimmatostroma bifarium sp. nov. New Zealand Journal of Botany 21(1): 49-52.

The specific epithet refers to the very handsome appearance of the leaf spots.
Two other species of Septoria, S. ceuthosporoides (Cooke) Sacc. and S. mortolensis Penz. et Sacc., have been described from Eucalyptus leaves. The major characters of these [S. ceuthosporoides, S. mortolensis, S. pulcherrima] and of S. pulcherrima are given in Table 1 for the purpose of comparison [not provided here].
The specific epithet refers to the arrangement of the conidial cells in 2 rows.
Trimmatostroma excentricum Sutton et Ganapathi, described from Eucalyptus delegatensis (Sutton & Ganapathi 1978), has 4-celled conidia with 2 primary basal cells and 2 secondary cells (Fig. 6) whereas the conidia of T. bifarium are 6-10-celled with the cells arranged in 2, equal or unequal, parallel rows (Fig. 5).
Cited scientific names
- Eucalyptus cephalocarpa Blakely
- Eucalyptus cypellocarpa L.A.S.Johnson
- Eucalyptus dalrympleana Maiden
- Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
- Eucalyptus fastigata H.Deane & Maiden
- Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subsp. globulus
- Eucalyptus gunnii Hook.f.
- Eucalyptus nitens (H.Deane & Maiden) Maiden
- Eucalyptus ovata Labill.
- Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
- Eucalyptus sieberi L.A.S.Johnson
- Phaeophleospora eucalypti (Cooke & Massee) Crous, F.A. Ferreira & B. Sutton 1997
- Septoria pulcherrima Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983
- Trimmatostroma bifarium Gadgil & M.A. Dick 1983