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Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924
NZ holotype
Secotium cartilagineum
Beech Forest, Dun Mt., Nelson, New Zealand 650 m. (J. C. Neill), 27/5/23. holotype PDD 1099

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Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924

Distribution. Beech Forest, Dun Mt., Nelson, N.Z., 650 m. (J. C. Neill), 27/5/23. Type in herbarium of the writer, No. 1099).
Peridium pallidum, paler below, depressed-globose, base excavated, incurved, margin distinct from stipe, 7-12 mm. high, 18-22 mm. wide, densely and closely scabrid; drying dingy-brown. Stipe short, stout, up to 10 mm. long, 4 mm. thick, tan-coloured, hollow, scabrous, base slightly inflated. Gleba dark ferruginous, cellular, tough, compact, cells minute, 2-3 mm long, polygonal, dissepiments thin. Spores verruculose, ferruginous, ovate, rounded at one end, pointed at the other, 12-15 x 8-11 µ, epispore thin.
Habitat.-Solitary on the ground in beech forest.
Peridio pallido-brunneo, depresso-globoso, base excavato, 7-12 mm. alto, 18-22 mm. lato, scabrido. Stipite 10 mm. longo, 4 mm. crasso, brunneo, excavato. Gleba aurantio-brunnea, . cellulosa, lenta. Sporis verruculosis, flavo-branneis, ovatis, 12-15 x 8-11 µ.
The scabrid surface of the peridium would place this close to S. scabrosum, but the glebal characters are different from those given for the latter species. In appearance and to the touch the peridium exactly resembles chamois leather. The tough, almost cartilaginous nature of the gleba is also characteristic, and would serve to separate it from any other Australasian species.
Solitarii ad terram in silvis. Dun Mt., Nelson, N.Z., 650 m., J. C. Neill.

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Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. (1924)
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. (1924)
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. (1924)
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924
Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. (1924)

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Beech Forest, Dun Mt., Nelson, New Zealand 650 m. (J. C. Neill), 27/5/23. holotype PDD 1099

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1 January 2000
4 December 2002
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