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Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896

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Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau in Hennings & Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 23 287 (1896)
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Henn. & Lindau
Henn. & Lindau
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae

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Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896

Ascomata 0.5-1 mm diam. epiphyllous or hypophyllous, shieldlike, more or less orbicular, superficial, centrally attached to leaf, brown black crustose, associated with small angular necrotic leaf lesions, 1-2 mm. diam, Ascomata at first subcuticular, then superficial, 45-75 um thick, pseudoparenchymatous; outer hyphae 3-3.5 um diam., agglutinated, pigmented brown black; hypostroma of lighter coloured. thin walled mycelium, more or less pseudo parenchymatous, cells 2-3.5 X 5-6 u continuous with intercellular mycelium in leaf tissue; uni- or multilocular. Loculi orbicular rarely obpyriform 40-400 g diam. when immature covered by layer of dark coloured agglutinated mycelium, which at maturity cracks and becomes inrolled to expose hymenium. Hymenium disclike, 60-80 g thick composed only of asci. Asci bitunicate 42-84 x 12-15 u, eight spored, ascospores obliquely uniseriate sometimes biseriate at apex. Pseudoparaphyses diffluent absent in mature ascomata. Ascopores oneseptate, elliptical or pyriform, 9.5-13.5 X 3.5-5 u unevenly divided by septa, smooth, lightly pigmented brown when mature.

Epiphyllous or hypophyllous on living leaves of Cyathea spp.

Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, acervular, solitary, superficial, more or less circular, crustose, dark brown to black, 0.5–1 mm in diameter; on angular, necrotic leaf spots, 1–2 mm in diameter, on both surfaces of fronds. Asci elliptical, 40–80 × 12–15 μm. Ascospores elliptical, 1-septate, 10–14 × 3–5 μm, smooth, hyaline becoming pale brown.
Distribution: Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Taupo, Marlborough Sounds.; 1st Record: Dingley (1972).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Cyathea smithii.

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Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau (1896)
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau (1896)
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau (1896)
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau (1896)
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau (1896)
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau (1896)

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Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
New Zealand
Rhagadolobium hemiteliae Henn. & Lindau 1896
New Zealand

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scientific name
4 November 2002
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