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Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962

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Puccinia tekapo McNabb, Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1 110 (1962)
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962

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New Zealand
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Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
NZ holotype
Puccinia tekapo
[New Zealand], Canterbury: Lake Tekapo, Mt. Mistake, April, 1959, D. Scott. holotype PDD 19170

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Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962

The host [Olearia odorata] is endemic and confined to mountain regions of the South Island. The rust has been found only near Lake Tekapo in Canterbury.

Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962

Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Uredinia scattered, elliptical, orange, up to 0.5 mm long; deeply immersed in tomentum on the lower surfaces of leaves. Urediniospores subglobose to obovate, 21–31 × 18–24 μm, finely verruculose, hyaline. Telia scattered or aggregated into groups, elliptical, 0.2–0.5 mm long; immersed in the tomentum on the lower surfaces of leaves, and on discoloured areas on upper surfaces. Teliospores broadly elliptical, 1-septate, 36–49 × 23–31 μm, smooth, deep chestnut brown; pedicel persistent.
Distribution: Mackenzie.; 1st Record: McNabb (1962a).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Olearia odorata.

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Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb (1962)
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb (1962)
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb (1962)
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb (1962)
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb (1962)
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
Puccinia tekapo McNabb (1962)

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Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
New Zealand
Central Otago
Puccinia tekapo McNabb 1962
New Zealand

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[New Zealand], Canterbury: Lake Tekapo, Mt. Mistake, April, 1959, D. Scott. holotype PDD 19170

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15 December 2003
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