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Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973

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Russula cremeoochracea McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 11 683 (1973)
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973

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New Zealand
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as 'cremeochracea'
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
NZ holotype
Russula cremeoochracea
N. menziesii, [New Zealand], Nelson: Oparara, Fenian Track, 9.1.1968, R. F. R. McN., holotype PDD 30661

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Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973

Under (1) L. ericoides, Auckland: Titirangi, Atkinson Park, 24.ii.l967, 7.iii.l967, ll.iv.l967, 17.iv.l967, R. F. R. McN. (PDD 26632, 26640, 26587, 26592); Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Track, IO.V.1965, R. F. R. McN. (PDD 26935). (2) N. fusca and N. menziesii, Nelson: Maruia, 23.iii.l966, R. F. R. McN. (pdd 26925). (3) N. menziesii. Nelson: Oparara, Fenian Track, 9.L1968, R. F. R. McN. (holotype, pdd 30661). (4) N. solandri, Oparara River, 2.L1970, R. F. R. McN. (5) N. solandri, Canterbury: Craigie-burn, 5.ii.l969, B. Segedin. Kowai Bush, 5.ii.l959, R. F. R. McN.
pileus: 3-5.5 cm diam., convex when young, centrally depressed at maturity, slightly viscid under wet conditions, otherwise dry, glabrous, faintly innately pruinose under lens, velar remnants absent, white to creamy white when first emerging from soil, darkening to cream, creamy ochraceous, cream yellow, or pallid yellowish brown with age, often stained yellowish brown; margins entire, thick, non-pectinate. Cuticle 150-200 µm thick, composed of ± repent or obliquely ascending and aggregated, interwoven, thin-walled, septate hyphae 2.5-6 µm diam., often irregularly inflated, terminal cells unspecialised; pilocystidia absent. lamellae: adnate to subdecurrent, crowded, moderately thick, simple or rarely forked near stipe, to 5 mm deep, white to pallid creamy white, not discoloured at maturity, lamellulae numerous, typically in partial sequence. stipe: 1-3 cm long, ± equal, 0.6-1.2 cm diam., solid, dry, glabrous, faintly innately reticulate under lens, white to pallid creamy white, often stained yellowish brown; flesh white, unchanging on exposure to air. Cuticle similar to that of pileus; caulocystidia absent. spores: spore print pallid creamy white; spores broadly elliptical to broadly ovate, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to l- (1.5) µm long, 6.5-8 X 5-6.5 µm, ornamentation moderately dense, of fine amyloid verrucae to 0.5 µm high, isolated, in confluent groups, or joined by fine amyloid ridges and forming a partial reticulum; plage indistinct. hymenium: basidia hyaline, clavate, 29-55 X 7.5-10.5 µm, 4-spored, sterigmata to 7 µm long; pleurocystidia scattered, moderately numerous, fusiform to broadly fusiform, hyaline, thin-walled, contents refractive in KOH, projecting to 45 µm beyond basidia, apices acuminate, strangulate, or capitulate, 56-112 X 7-16 µm; cheilocystidia sparse or numerous, similar to pleurocystidia but shorter. hymenophoral trama: heteromerous, intermixed, oleiferous hyphae occasionally present. context of pileus: white, firm, unchanging; structure heteromerous, clamp connections absent. taste: lamellae and context mild. chemical characters: formalin on context—n.r.; phenol on context—slowly deep vinaceous; FeSO4 on context—rapidly salmon pink; guaiacol on stipe base—salmon pink; KOH on pileus—darkening; on context—n.r.; NH4OH on pileus and context—n.r.
solitary or in small groups under Leptospermum and Nothofagus.
Pileus centraliter depressus 3-5.5 cm diam., albus, cremeo-ochraceus, saepe brunneo tinctu decoloratus, leviter viscidus, glaber; margines integri, crassi, non pectinati. Lamellae adnatae ad subdecurrentes, ad 5 mm altae, albae ad pallide cremeas; lamellulae numerosae. Stipes 1-3 cm longus, plus minusve aequalis, 0.6-1.2 cm diam., solidus, siccus, concolor cum pileo. Sporae late ellipticae, ovatae 6.5-8 x 5-6.5 µm, amyloides dense ornatae.

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Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb (1973)
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb (1973)
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb (1973)
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb (1973)
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb (1973)
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973

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Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand
Russula cremeoochracea McNabb 1973
New Zealand

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N. menziesii, [New Zealand], Nelson: Oparara, Fenian Track, 9.1.1968, R. F. R. McN., holotype PDD 30661

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scientific name
1 January 2000
10 October 2024
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