Nectria ruapehu Dingley 1951

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Nectria ruapehu Dingley, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79 186 (1951)
Nectria ruapehu Dingley 1951
Nectria ruapehu Dingley 1951
NZ holotype
Nectria ruapehu
has host
has host
Nectria ruapehu Dingley 1951
Coprosma pseudocuneata Oliver. Wellington, Mangatoratoru Stream, Mt. Ruapehu, March 1948, J.M.D. type collection; Whakapapa-iti Stream; October 1949, J.M.D.
Perithecia gregarious or caespitose on or immersed in a poorly developed pseudoparenchymatous stroma, globose 0-2-0-5mm. diameter, coral coloured darker when mature, translucent, ostiole small, indistinct, perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatoas 55-60pt thick, cells 8-1O µm, diameter, outer cells thick walled but hyaline, inner cells pigmented. Asci cylindrical 45-65 x 6p,, 8 spored, obliquely uniseriate ; pseudoparaphyses diffluent. Spores one-septate, broadly elliptical constricted at septa 8-11 x 5-6p,, sometimes non-septate, globose, 6-8p, diameter, verrucose, yellow, thick walled.
New Zealand.
Coprosma pseudocuneata Oliver.
Perithecia gregaria vel caespitosa in strornate parvo et pseudoparenchymato; globosa, 0-2-0-5 µm. diam., corallina, translucida; ostiolo obscuro ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 55-60p, crasso ; cellalis exterioribus hyalinis; cellulis interioribus leviter tinctis. Asci cylindrici 45-65 x 6t k; parientibus tenuibus; 8 sporis, oblique uniseriatis; pseudoparaphysibus absentibus. Sporae uni-septatae, late ellipticae, S-11 x 5-6p., verrncosae, pallide luteae.
Perithecia appear in small clusters of 3-10 often on an old leaf scar at the base of a lateral branch. Spores are broader than those of N. hauturu, and perithecia are immersed in the stroma similar to a Hypocrea. The perithecial wall consists of thick walled, almost hyaline cells.
LOCALITY: Mangatorutoru Stream, Mt. Ruapehu.
Nectria ruapehu Dingley 1951
Type: Corticolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, aggregated in clusters of 3–10, globose, reddish pink becoming darker, 0.2–0.5 mm in diameter, ostiole indistinct, immersed in a poorly-developed stroma; on bark on stems, often on old leaf scars. Asci cylindrical, 45–65 × 6 μm. Ascospores broadly elliptical, 1-septate, 8–11 × 5–6 μm, occasionally globose and 0-septate, 6–8 μm in diameter, verrucose, yellow.
Distribution: Auckland, Coromandel, Taupo, Wellington, North Canterbury.; 1st Record: Dingley (1951).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Carpodetus serratus, Coprosma arborea, C. foetidissima, C. pseudocuneata, Geniostoma rupestre var. ligustrifolium, Ripogonum scandens.
Taxonomic concepts
Nectria ruapehu Dingley 1951
Nectria ruapehu Dingley (1951)
Global name resources
Identification keys
New Zealand, Wellington, Mangatorutoru Stream, Mt. Ruapehu, March 1948, J.M.D., holotype PDD 7534
scientific name
15 December 2003