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Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924

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Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd., Ann. Mycol. 22 295 (1924)
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924

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New Zealand
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Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
NZ holotype
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii

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Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata perithecial, gregarious, subepidermal, globose conical, black, 60–70 μm in diameter, papillate; on grey, indeterminate leaf spots on the lower surfaces of leaves. Asci cylindrical to clavate-cylindrical, 35–42 × 8–10 μm. Ascospores oblong, 1-septate, 10–12 × 2–3 μm, smooth, hyaline.
Distribution: Southland.; 1st Record: Sydow (1924).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Rubus cissoides, R. schmidelioides.

Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924

Maculae in epiphyllo minutae, griseolae, indeterminatae, parum manifestae, in hypophyllo fere aequales vel nullae; perithecia tantum hypophylla, in greges minutos ½-1½ mm diam. plerumque angulatos et nervulis limitatos densissime coacervata, subepidermica, conicoglobulosa, atra, 60-70 µ diam., semper tecta, papillata, parenchymatice e cellulis olivaceo-fuscis 5-6 µ diam. contexta, papillula epidermidem elevantia sed non vel vix perforantia, mycelio sterili in toto parenchymate folii copiose evoluto ex hyphis fuscis valde inaequalibus 4-7 µ crassis constante; asci fasciculati, sessiles vel subsessiles, cylindracei vel clavato-cylindracei, 35-42 x 8-10 µ, octospori, aparaphysati; sporae distichae, oblongae, ad apicem rotundatae, basim versus leniter attenuatae sed obtusae, medio 1-septatae, non constrictae, hyalinae, 10-12 x 2-2½ µ, loculo supero semper leniter crassiore.
Von den zahlreichen auf Rubus vorkommenden Arten der Gattung stimmt keine einzige mit der vorliegenden überein, welche durch die in kleinen Herden sehr dicht gedrängt stehenden Perithezien und die schmalen Sporen gekennzeichnet ist.
Hab. in foliis Rubi australis, Riverton, Southland, 3. 11. 1882, leg. T.Kirk (no. 966).

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Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. (1924)
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. (1924)
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. (1924)
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. (1924)
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. (1924)

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Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Mycosphaerella cunninghamii Syd. 1924
New Zealand

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scientific name
26 March 2002
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