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Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952

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Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79 328 (1952)
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952

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New Zealand
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as 'coprosma'
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
NZ holotype
Hypocrea coprosmae
Coprosma robusta, [New Zealand] Auckland. Waitakere Range, Waiatarua, November, 1948, J. M. D., PDD 10453, Isotype DAOM 164620

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Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952

Stroma pulvinate, sometimes orbicular, 5-10 mm. diameter, 3 mm. thick, freely scattered on host, buff, vinaceous buff margins thickened, incurved but free, centrally attached, sometimes appearing as if stalked, outer tissue pseudoparenchymatous, cells small, 2-4 µ diameter, pigmented and thickened, inner hyphae up to 6 µ diameter, hyaline, prosenchymatous. Perithecia 150-200 µ diameter, oval or globose, superficially arranged in the pigmented zone, ostiole 60-70 µ, not papillate. Asci cylindrical, 85-100 x 4-5 µ, apex truncate, with 16 part-spores, uniseriate; pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Part-spores cuboid or globose, 3-4 µ diameter, or oval then 5-6 x 3-4 µ, lightly pigmented, tuberculate.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On rotten wood.
Stroma pulvinatum, 5-10 mm. diam. ad medium substratum affixum, bubalinum vel vinoso-bubalinum, prosenchymatum, marginibus incurvatis et liberis, ostiolis protrudentibas punctatum. Perithecia globosa velorata, 0.15-0.3 mm. diam. in regione superficiali stromatis immersa, ostiolo 60-70 µ longo, papillato. Asci cylindrici 85-100 x 4-5 µ, 16 sporis divisis uncellularibus, cuboidibus vel globosis 3-4 µ diam., leviter tinctis, echinulatis.
The species resembles H. pulvinata, but the stroma is discrete, never aggregated together, margins free, centrally attached to a substratum. Spores are usually small, although unevenly divided part-spores are common. Occasional spores fail to divide at the septa.
Coprosma robusta Raoul Auckland. Waitakere Range, Waiatarua, November 1948, J.M.D. (type collection).

Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952

Cultures slower growing than those of H. rufa, H. schweinitzii (Fr.) Sacc. and H. atrogelatinosa, more or less tomentose, opaque, rarely discolours media; conidia formed within seven days, forming a sage green outer zone. Mycelium 3-8 µ diameter; septate. Conidiophores produced usually singly 8-100 µ long, septate, branching usually immediately below the septa. Phialides borne either as short lateral branches or in terminal clusters of 2-3, usually short. 2.5-3.5 x 3.5 µ. Conidia mostly globose 1.5-3.5 µ, pigmented and minutely echinulate, usually aggregated into small mucilaginous balls, 10 µ diameter.

Chlamydospores not present.

Although appearing different in cultural characters, conidia and conidiophores are typical of those of T. viride.

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Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
Hypocrea coprosma Dingley
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
Hypocrea coprosma Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
Hypocrea coprosma Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
Hypocrea coprosma Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
Hypocrea coprosma Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
Hypocrea coprosma Dingley (1952)

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Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
[Not available]

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Coprosma robusta, [New Zealand] Auckland. Waitakere Range, Waiatarua, November, 1948, J. M. D., PDD 10453, Isotype DAOM 164620

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6 December 2024
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