Dingley, J.M. 1956: The Hypocreales of New Zealand. VII. A revision of records and species in the Hypocreaceae. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 83(4): 643-662.
Dingley, J.M. 1956: The Hypocreales of New Zealand. VII. A revision of records and species in the Hypocreaceae. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 83(4): 643-662.
Taxonomic concepts
Hypocrea pulvinata Fuckel (1870) [1869-70]
Nectria hauturu Dingley (1951)
Stroma cream or ochraceous when young, becoming vinaceous brown or fuscous when mature, often tuberculate with superficially immersed perithecia, pulvinate, 0.25-0.5 mm diameter, 0.25 mm thick, scattered, sometimes gregarious, then confluent with one another, margins thin, recurved, free, stroma centrally attached, psendoparenchymatous, outer cells small, 4-6 µ, pigmented and thickened, inner cells 10-15 x 10 µ hyaline, thin walled. Perithecia oval, 0.1-0.15 x 0.2-0.25 mm irregularly arranged but closely compacted in a superficial zone of the stroma, perithecial wall 7-12 µ, pigmented, ostiole 40-50 µ papillate. Asci cylindrical 75-100 x 4 µ with 14-16 part-spores, pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Part-spores globose or cuboid, 3.5-4 µ, oval or pyriform then 4-6 x 3-3.5 µ, olivaeeous, coarsely echinulate.
Stroma pulvinatum 0.25-0.5 mm, 0.25 mm crassum, gregarium saepe confluens, cremeum sed maturitate brunneo-vinosum, tuberculatum, peritheciis in superficie immersis, marginibus tenuibus recurvis sed liberis. Stroma pseudoparenchymatum, cellulis exterioribus 4-6 µ, tinctis et densatis, interioribus 10-15 x 10 µ, hyalinis, parietibus tenuibus. Perithecia ovalia 0.1-0.15 x 0.2-0.25 mm inaequaliter ordinata, bene compacta, ostiolo 40-50 µ papillato. Asci cylindrici 75-100 x 4 µ, 14-16 sporis divisis, paraphysibus evanescentibus. Sporae divisae, globosae, vel cuboides, 3.5-4.5 µ ovales vel pyriformes, 4-6 x 3-3.5 µ, olivaceae, crasse echinulatae.
A collection listed as H. jecorina Berk. & Br. (Dingley, 1952a) is included under this species. It is similar to both H. rufa (Tode ex Fr.) Fr. and to H. gelatinosa (Tode ex Fr.) Fr. differing from the former in that spores are pigmented and from the latter in that the outer layer of the pseudoparenchymatous tissue is pigmented. It seems possible from descriptions that H. atrogelatinosa may be a synonym of H. stereorum Berk. & Curt., but Seaver (1910) included the latter as a synonym of H. rufa. Unfortunately type material has not been examined.
Type collection: Auckland, Hunua Ra., Otau, April 1950, J.M.D. (10471).
The type of Lloyd's species is filed in Kew herbarium under H. saccharina Berk. & Curt. (Colenso b. 982). Lloyd noted that the species was similar to H. rufa in colour and spore size, but that the stroma was larger and differently attached. The type collection now consists of a few immature stromata which suggest H. semiorbis Berk. Collections recorded under H. colensoi by Dingley (1952a) are misdeterminations of a species described herein as H. egmontensis.
Stroma discoidal, sometimes pulvinate 2.5-7 mm diameter, 1-2 mm thick, scattered or caespitose, ochraceous, punctate with dark ostioles, margins free often undulate, thickened. Stroma pseudoparenchymatous outer tissue hyaline, loosely aggregated 5-7.5 µ diameter, thin walled. Perithecia oval sometimes globose 0.5 x 0.2-0.5 mm crowded in a superficial pigmented zone, ostiole 50-70 µ, papillate; perithecial wall 5-10 µ thick, pigmented yellow. Asci cylindrical 60-100 µ x 4 µ, 16 part-spores uniseriately arranged. Part-spores globose or cuboid, 3.5-4 µ, or oval 5-5.5 x 3.5-4 µ, hyaline, thin walled, echinulate.
Stroma discoidale interdum pulvinatum 2.5-7 mm diam., 1-2 mm crassum, sparsum vel caespitosum, ochraceum, punctatum, ostiole fusco, marginibus liberis, undulatis sed densatis, pseudoparenchymatum cellulis exterioribus compactis 5-10 µ diam. leviter tinctis, interioribus hyalinis laxe aggregatis 5-7.5 µ diam., parietibus tenuibus. Perithecia ovalia interdum globosa 0.5 x 0.2-0.5 mm pariete 5-10 µ crasso, ostiolo 50-70 µ papillato. Asci cylindrici 60-120 µ x 4 µ, 16 sporis divisis paraphysibus evanescentibus. Sporae divisae globosae vel cuboides 3.5-4 µ, vel ovales 5-5.5 x 3.5-4 µ hyalinae, parietibus tenuibus, echinulatae.
Under this species are included those collections misdetermined as H. colensoi by Dingley (1952a). This large fleshy species differs from most Hypocreas in that the thickened margins of this stroma are free, undulate and usually without imbedded perithecia. Unlike those of H. schweinitzii (Fr.) Sacc. and H. cerebriformis Berk. & Br. spores are hyaline.
Type collection: Taranaki, Mt. Egmont, April 1946, J.M.D. (6272).
Collections listed by Dingley (1952a) under H. farinosa are misdeterminations of H. nebulosa Massee. The species is present in New Zealand nevertheless, since one collection which agrees wth authentic material has recently been collected from Waipoua, North Auckland.
Collections recorded as H. farinosa by Dingley (1952a) are typical of this species. It differs from H. farinosa in that the subiculum is poorly developed, perithecia are more or less aggregated or scattered freely on the host surface,and spores and asci are smaller. The type collection from Tasmania in Kew herbarium, is labelled "on dead Polypore Roclway, 484"; a second labelled "Tasmania" is filed as Hypocrea tomentosa (Fr.) Berk.
New Zealand collections referred to H. citrina by Dingley (1952a) belong to this species. Spores are slightly larger than in North American material, but this character does not appear to be a consistent one. Similar variation in spore size was found in H. sub-citrina, but as there were no other morphological differences the species is regarded as a synonym.
Perithecia scattered or gregarious on a thin effused, hyaline subiculum not more than 20 µ thick; perithecia globose, pezizoid when dry, 0.2-0.3 mm diameter, salmon pink, translucent, smooth, sometimes hairy; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 40 µ thick, cells 4-6 x 5-10 µ, thin walled, lightly pigmented, subhymenial layer pigmented but diffluent. Asci clavate or elliptical, thin walled 50-75 x 8-10 µ, 6-8 spored, arranged biseriately in ascus, pseudoparaphyses diffluent. Spores uniseptate, elliptical, or fusiform, ends truncated, 14-20 x 4-6 µ, walls smooth, hyaline.
Perithecia in subiculo tenui, effuso ad 20 µ crasso sparsa globosa, 0.2-0.3 mm diam. salmonea, translucentia, laevia sed interdum pilosa; pariete pseudoparenchymato 40 µ crasso, cellulis 4-6 x 5-10 µ, parietibus tenuibus leviter flavo tinctis, regione subhymenii tincta, diffluenti. Asci clavati vel elliptici, parietibus tenuibus 50-75 x 8-10 µ, 6-8 sporis, biseratis, pseudoparaphysibus diffluentibus. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel fusiformes, apice truncato, 14-20 x 4-6 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
When fresh, perithecia are translucent and hairy, with a papillate ostiole; in external appearance they resemble those of N. suffulta Berk. & Curt. but spores are larger and arranged biseriately. Morphologically this species agrees with the description of N. leucotrichia Penz. & Sace. which Weese (1914) treated as a synonym of N. suffulta. Unfortunately authentic material has not been available for study, consequently the New Zealand species is described as new.
Type collection: on stipes of Cyathea medullaris Swartz, Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Anawhata Rd., April 1948 (6201).
Perithecia gregarious in clusters of 4-10 on a poorly developed pseudoparenchymatous stroma; perithecia superficial, globose, 0.3 x 0.4 mm diam., translucent, salmon coloured, tuberculate, perithecial walls 50-85 µ, pseudoparenchymatous, cells 10-15 µ diameter, cuboid or rectangular, cell walls hyaline, pigment, granules present in and among cells, subhymenial layer tip to 10 µ wide, compacted, with thickened and lightly pigmented walls. Asci elliptical or clavate, 48-65 x 7-12 µ, 8 spored, obliquely uniseriate, biseriate at apex, pseudoparaphyses diffluent. Spores one septate, elliptical, rarely constricted at septa, 14-18 x 3-4 µ, walls echinulate, hyaline.
Conidial stage: conidiophores more or less compacted to form a tuberculate stroma, verticillately branched. Conidia catenulated from terminal phialides, 10-17 x 2-2.5 µ, conidia 5-10 x 3-5 µ, hyaline, smooth. Dendrodochium sp.
Conidial stage: conidiophores more or less compacted to form a tuberculate stroma, verticillately branched. Conidia catenulated from terminal phialides, 10-17 x 2-2.5 µ, conidia 5-10 x 3-5 µ, hyaline, smooth. Dendrodochium sp.
Perithecia gregaria in corona 4-10 in stromate pseudoparenchymato tenuiter formato; superficialis, globosa 0.3-0.4 mm diam., translucentia, salmonea, tuberculata, pariete 50-85 µ, pseudoparenchymato, cellulis 10-15 µ diam. cuboidibus vel rectis angulis, parietibus hyalinis, granulis tinctis immixtis; regio subhymenii ad 10µ lata, parietibus densatis et subtiliter tinctis. Asci elliptici vel clavati 48-65 x 7-12 µ, 8 sporis, oblique uniseratis, in apice biseratis, pseudoparaphysibus diffluentibus. Sporae uniseptatae, raro in septis constrictae, echinulatae 14-18 x 3-4 µ. Status conidialis: conidiophora in stromate tuberculato satis compacta, verticillate rimosa. Conidia catenulata ex sterigmatis terminalibus 10-17 x 2-2.5 µ. Conidia 5-10 x 2-3.5 µ hyaline, laevia.
In external appearance and in micro-features the species resembles N. subquaternata Berk. & Br., but spores are more or less ovate rather than fusiform. Both species possess a Dendrodochium conidial stage. A collection was recorded by Dingley (1951a) as N. quisquilaris.
Type collection: on Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy, Taranaki, Mt. Egmont, 4,000ft, March 1951, J.M.D. (10906).
Perithecia caespitose on a small pulvinate pseudoparenchymatous stroma, up to 2 mm diameter. Perithecia globose, tuberculate, 250-350 µ in diameter, salmon or ochraceous, ostiole not papillate; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous, 40 µ thick, tubercles 30-10 µ high, cells hyaline, 10-15 µ pigment granules present within the cells, subhymenial layer 20-25 µ, walls pale salmon and thickened. Asci clavate. 50-80 x 6-12 µ, 8 spored, biseriate or obliquely uniseriate arranged in ascus. Spores one septate, elliptical or oval, 12-20 x 5-6 µ, hyaline, verrucose, sometimes constricted at septa.
Conidial stage: conidiophores more or less compacted to form a pulvinate stroma to 2 mm diam., verticillately branched. Conidia broadly elliptical, but sometimes allantoid, 5-8.5 x 2-3.5 µ, smooth hyaline.
Conidial stage: conidiophores more or less compacted to form a pulvinate stroma to 2 mm diam., verticillately branched. Conidia broadly elliptical, but sometimes allantoid, 5-8.5 x 2-3.5 µ, smooth hyaline.
Perithecia caespitosa in parvo pulvinato pseudoparenchymato stromate ad 2 mm diam. globosa, tuberculata 250-350 µ diam., salmonea vel ochracea, ostiolo non papillato, pariete pseudoparenchymato, 40 µ crasso, tuberculis 30-40 µ cellulis hyalinis 10-15 µ, granulis tinctis in cellulis et inter eas, regione subhymenii 20-25 µ, parietibus cellularum leviter tinctis et densatis. Asci clavati 50-80 µ x 6-12 µ, 8 sporis biseratis vel oblique uniseratis. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel ovales 12-20 x 5-6 µ, hyalinae verrucosae, interdum in septis constrictae. Status conidialis: conidiophora compacta in stromata pulvinato ad 2 mm diam. verticillate rimosa. Conidia catenulate ex sterigmatis terminalibus 15-20 x 2-3 µ. Conidia late elliptica, allantoidia 5-8.5 x 2-3.5 µ laevia, hyalina.
The type collection was first included under N. quisquilaris Cke. ; but further collections have shown the species to differ in its tuberculate perithecia and verrucose spores, 12-20 x 5-6 µ in size.
Type collection: on Edwardsia microphylla (Ait.) Salisb., Auckland, Piha, Aug. 1953 (12800).
Perithecia gregarious on an erumptent, prosenchymatous stroma, up to 1 cm diameter, perithecia globose or oval, 0.2-0.3 mm diameter, tuberculate, scarlet or coral coloured, farinaceous with crystals, perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous, 50 µ thick, cells up to 12 µ diam. walls pigmented and thickened. Asci cylindrical, rarely clavate, truncated, 90-120 x 10-12 µ, 6-8 spored, uniseriate, sometimes biseriate at apex; pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Spores one septate, elliptical or pyriform, ends rounded, 16-24 x 6-10 µ, hyaline or lightly pigmented, striate.
Perithecia gregaria in stromate erumpenti prosenchymato ad 1 cm diam.; globosa vel ovalia 0.2-0.3 mm diam., tuberculata, rubra vel corallina, farinacea, pariete pseudoparenchymato 50 µ crasso, cellulis ad 12 µ diam. parietibus tinctis et densatis. Asci cylindrici raro clavati, truncati 90-120 x 10-12 µ, 6-8 sporis, uniseratis, pseudoparaphysibus evanescentibus. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel pyriformes, apicibus rotundis 16-24 x 6-10 µ hyalinae vel subtiliter tinctis, striatae.
Collections misdetermined as N. balsanae Speg. by Dingley (1951b) are included under this species.
Type collection: on Hoheria populnea A.Cunn., Auckland, Titirangi, March 1947, J.M.D. (7465).
New Zealand material agrees with authentic collections of this species, but differs in that spore measurements are variable and spores are obliquely uniseriate in the ascus.
Cited scientific names
- Bionectria ralfsii (Berk. & Broome) Schroers & Samuels 2001
- Calonectria ochraceopallida (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1875
- Calonectria polythalama (Berk.) Sacc. 1878
- Gibberella cyanogena (Desm.) Sacc. 1883
- Gibberella flacca (Wallr.) Sacc. 1878
- Gibberella intricans Wollenw. 1931
- Gibberella pulicaris var. minor Wollenw. 1931
- Gibberella saubinetii (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. 1879
- Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch 1936
- Hypocrea atrogelatinosa Dingley 1956
- Hypocrea carnea Kalchbr. & Cooke 1880
- Hypocrea citrina (Pers.) Fr. 1849
- Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd 1924
- Hypocrea coprosmae Dingley 1952
- Hypocrea egmontensis Dingley 1956
- Hypocrea farinosa Berk. & Broome 1851
- Hypocrea gelatinosa (Tode) Fr. 1849
- Hypocrea jecorina Berk. & Broome 1873 [1875]
- Hypocrea nebulosa Massee 1898
- Hypocrea novozealandica Dingley 1952
- Hypocrea patella Cooke & Peck 1878 [1875]
- Hypocrea pulvinata Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Hypocrea rufa (Pers.) Fr. 1849
- Hypocrea saccharina Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868 [1869]
- Hypocrea semiorbis (Berk.) Berk. 1859
- Hypocrea sulfurella Kalchbr. & Cooke 1880
- Hypocrea sulphurea (Schwein.) Sacc. 1883
- Hypocrea toro Dingley 1952
- Hypomyces fulgens (Fr.) P. Karst. 1873
- Hypomyces tomentosus (Fr. ex Berk.) Berk. 1875
- Microcera coccophila Desm. 1848
- Nectria aemulans Rehm 1909
- Nectria aureofulva Cooke & Ellis 1878
- Nectria balansae Speg. 1885
- Nectria berkeleyana (Plowr. & Cooke) Dingley 1951
- Nectria byssiseda Rehm 1898
- Nectria coccinea (Pers.) Fr. 1849
- Nectria cyatheae Dingley 1956
- Nectria ditissima sensu auct. NZ
- Nectria ditissima sensu T.W. Kirk 1905
- Nectria ditissima Tul. & C. Tul. 1865
- Nectria egmontensis Dingley 1956
- Nectria episphaeria (Tode) Fr. 1849
- Nectria grisea Dingley 1951
- Nectria hauturu Dingley 1951
- Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
- Nectria inventa sensu S. Hughes 1951
- Nectria kowhai Dingley 1956
- Nectria laeticolor Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868 [1869]
- Nectria macrostoma Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868 [1869]
- Nectria mammoidea W. Phillips & Plowr. 1875
- Nectria ochroleuca (Schwein.) Berk. 1875
- Nectria otagensis Linds. 1867
- Nectria peziza (Tode) Fr. 1849
- Nectria pinea Dingley 1951
- Nectria polythalama Berk. 1855
- Nectria pulverulenta Dingley 1956
- Nectria punicea (J.C. Schmidt) Fr. ex Rabenh. 1858
- Nectria quisquiliaris Cooke 1879
- Nectria ralfsii Berk. & Broome 1854
- Nectria sanguinea (Bolt.) Fr. 1849
- Nectria stenospora Berk. & Broome 1873 [1875]
- Nectria vilior Starbäck 1899
- Nectria zealandica Cooke 1879
- Sphaerostilbe nigrescens Kalchbr. & Cooke 1880
- Thyronectria pseudotrichia (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Seeler 1940
2 March 2004