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Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972

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as 'dicksoniafolia'
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
NZ holotype
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia
On Dicksonia squarrosa; [New Zealand], Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Sharp's Bush, J.M.D. 6/X/1965, holotype PDD 24774, isotype 142230 [?]

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Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972

on Dicksonia antarctica Labill. Australia: Victoria, Marywille, SIVI/41 E. Fisher (K) (MEL) on D. lanata Col. New Zealand: Auckl ' and, Dargaville, Trounson Kauri Park, 15/1X/67 J.M.D.. (PDD 26077); Waipoua, J.M.D. 16/1X/67 (PDD 26079). on D. squarrosa (Forst. I.) Swartz New Zealand: Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Sharp's Bush J.M.D. 6/X165 (PDD 24774) Type- collection: J.M.D. 30/VIII/69 (PDD 28435) Waitakere Ra., Huia, W P. J. Brook 5 IX 69 (PDD 26652); Hauhaungaroa Ra Saddle 1129/IX 69 (PDD 26653); Westland, Harihari, Little Wanganui R April 1963,S. J. Hughes and J.M.D. (PDD 25995).
Ascomata hypophyllous, angular, sometimes globose 1-3 mm diam., superficial, crustose, grey-black; at first subcuticular, mycelium, penetrating tissues of the leaf through stomata, 20-25 u thick, to 50 um thick at loculi. Outer wall of radially arranged, darkly pigmented, agglutinated mycelium 3-5 u diam. Hypostroma, hyphae at first lightly pigmented becoming darker 5-6um diam. Loculi 60-120um diam. linear, 0.51.0 mm long, covered by pigmented agglutinated hyphae which at maturity cracks longitudinally in centre of loculus. Hymenium of asci only, small groups of the pigmented agglutinated cells adhering to hymenium. Asci elliptical or clavate 30-47 X 8-12 u, bitunicate, eight spored, ascospores biseriately arranged in asci. Ascospores one septate, elliptical or pyriform, unevenly divided by septa, 8-12.5 X 2.5-3.5um smooth, lightly pigmented when mature.
Ascomata in hypophyllo, angularia, interdurn globosa 1-3mm diam.; supra nigrescentia, 20-25um,, densa 50um densa apud leculos; pariete exteriore, hypharum radiatim dispositarum 5-6um diam. Loculi 60-120um diam. lineares, 0.5-1mm longi. Hymenium modo ascorum. Asci elliptici vel clavati 30-47 x 8-12um, bitunicati, sporis octo, biseriatim dispositis. Ascosporae una septata, elliptica vel pyriformis, impariter divisa septis 8-12.5 X 23-3.5um, levis modice colorata.

In the herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew there file as Dothidea filicina (Fr.)Fckl., a collection N.Z. Colenso, ex Herb Berkeley. The host although unlabelled is typical of Dicksonia rosa. Berkeley (1855) records Dothidea filicina Mont. mss; -a~, 2~n the underside of fern leaves, Colenso. He noted Dr Montagne's mens are from Otaheite (Tahiti) on some species of Adiantum and forms occur in Ceylon of which a description will shortly appear in the Journal of Botany. In that the asci are short, obovate, and the obovate, uniseptate 1/2000 of an inch long. 1 have seen no fruit in New Zealand specimens but they have the same brittle stroma and rhytismoid aspect. Berkeley (1854) described Dothidea filicina Mont. mss var. nervisequia from Ceylon (G. H. K. Thwaites). He noted that this species differed in appearance from D.,pteridis Fr. (syn. Cryptomycina pteridis (Fr.) Hohnel) and was merely a form of Dr Montagne's species on Adiantum from Tahiti. He also noted that the same species occurred in New Zealand. Among species disposed by Muller and Arx under Rhagadolobium is R. nervisequium (Berk.) v. Arx based on the Ceylon material. Montagne does not appear to have published the species Dothidea filicina. Dothidea filicina Fr. refers to a different species. In the Dothidea filicina folder at Kew there are both the Ceylon collection and the collection from New Zealand. The New Zealand species on Dicksonia appears to be distinct from the Ceylon material in that loculi are larger and ascospores are smaller. Both species are characteristic of Lauterbachiella.

On Dicksonia squarrosa; Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Sharp's Bush, J.M.D. 6/X/1965 (PDD 24774).

Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, aggregated, globose, black, 0.1–0.15 mm in diameter, immersed in the top layer of a superficial, crustose, irregular, black stroma, 1–5 mm in diameter; on the lower surfaces of fronds. Asci elliptical to clavate, 30–47 × 8–12 μm. Ascospores elliptical, 1-septate, 8–14 × 3–5 μm, smooth, pale brown.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Taupo, Wellington, Nelson, Westland.; 1st Record: Dingley (1972).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Dicksonia lanata, D. squarrosa.

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Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley (1972)
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley (1972)
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley (1972)
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley (1972)
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley (1972)
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley (1972)

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Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand
Lauterbachiella dicksoniifolia Dingley 1972
New Zealand

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On Dicksonia squarrosa; [New Zealand], Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Sharp's Bush, J.M.D. 6/X/1965, holotype PDD 24774, isotype 142230 [?]

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16 July 1993
21 November 2012
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