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Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973

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E. Horak
E. Horak
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
NZ holotype
Gliophorus viscaurantius
Holotype PDD 27091, Isotype Horak ZT 68/146. 'S of Lake Hochstetter, Prov. Westcoast, New Zealand.; leg. Horak, 12.111.1968'.

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Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973

Holotype (PDD 27091); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 68/146): 'S of Lake Hochstetter, Prov. Westcoast, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 12.III.1968'.
Pileus 5-25 mm diam., hemispherical when young becoming convex, aged specimen subumbonate-plane, brilliant orange to red-orange, fading in aging, viscid when moist, innate-fibrillose in dry conditions, slightly hygrophanous, margin striated. Lamellae adnate to shortly decurrent, yellow, distant, gill edge concolorous. Stipe 10-25 x 1-3 mm, cylindric or attenuated towards the base, coloured like pileus at the apex, whitish or paler at the base, viscid, glabrous, fistulose, single, Context orange. Taste and odor not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH, HCl - negative. Spores 6-7.5 x 3.5-4.5 µm, elliptic, smooth, inamyloid. Basidia 33-40 x 5 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia absent. Cuticle a cutis consisting of cylindric, hyaline slightly gelatinized, interwoven hyphae (3-8 µm diam.), clamp connections present.
Amongst mosses or on rotten wood under Nothofagus, Dacrydium, Weinmannia, etc. New Zealand.
Pileo 5-25 mm lato, ex hemisphaerico-convexo vel subumbonato-plano, aurantiaco, viscido, striato. Lamellis adnato-decurrentibus, luteis. Stipite 10-25 x 1-3 mm, cylindrico vel attenuato basim versus, apicaliter pileo concolori, albido ad basim, viscido, glabro. Sporis 6-7.5 x 3.5-4.5 µm, ellipticis. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis intermixtis cutem formantibus, septis fibulatis. Ad terram vel lignum putridissimum in silvis. Novazelandia.
The presence of a viscid pellicle places this N.Z. species into Gliophorus. In the field old and degraded specimens may be confused with G. aurantiopallens Hk. whose spores however are considerably smaller. In Europe the nearest relatives to this species represent H. insipidus (Fr.) ss. Favre (1960) whilst in Venezuela H. hondurensis Dennis appears to be akin t o G. viscaurantius.
Holotypus (PDD 27091) 'Lake Hochstetter, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 21.III.1968'.

Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973

SPECIMEN: NZ: NA, Northcote, Kauri Glen Park, PDD 29375.
Pileus -25 mm, hemispherical becoming planoconvex or subumbonate in aged specimens; brilliant orange at disc, red-orange towards margin, fading with age; viscid when moist, dry becoming innate-fibrillose, hygrophanous, margin striate. -Lamellae 6-10 (1-3) distant, broadly adnate to subdecurrent; yellow, edges concolorous, entire. - Stipe 10-25 x 1-2 mm, cylindrical, equal or gradually attenuated towards base; concolorous with pileus at apex, paler or whitish at base; subviscid (in wet condition) soon dry, glabrous, fistulose, single. - Context orange. – Odour and taste not distinctive. - Chemical reactions on pileus KOH, HCl - negative. Spores 6-7.5 x 3.5-4.5 um, ellipsoid with elongated apiculus. - Basidia 33-45 x 5-6 um, 4-spored. - cystidia absent. -Pileipellis an ixocutis of cylindrical, hyaline, gelatinised, interwoven hyphae (3-8 um diam.), with plasmatic pigment clamp connections present (Pl. 1, Fig. 6).
ECOLOGY: Scattered; saprobic on rotten debris (twigs of Dacrydium) or among litter in broadleaved-conifer forests (dominated by Nothofagus fusca, Kunzea ericoides, Dacrydium cupressinum, Agathis australis). March-July.

ICON.: Horak (1973: 165); Taylor (1981: no. 43, ?).

This taxon resembles discoloured specimens of G. subheteromorphus (Sing.). It is readily separated, however, by the glutinous, brilliant red basidiomes and the larger spores of the latter species.
TYPE: NZ: WL, S of Lake Hochstetter, among moss and rotten debris (Dacrydium cupressinum) in mixed forest, 12 iii 1968, Horak, PDD 27091.

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Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973

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Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Gliophorus viscaurantius E. Horak 1973
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
The Hygrophorus sp. of Taylor 1981, p. 35, PL. 10-43, possibly belongs either here or under Gliophorus subheteromorphus, fide Horak 1990, pp. 281,286.
Holotype PDD 27091, Isotype Horak ZT 68/146. 'S of Lake Hochstetter, Prov. Westcoast, New Zealand.; leg. Horak, 12.111.1968'.

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1 January 2000
15 December 2003
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