Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
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Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
E. Horak
E. Horak
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
NZ holotype
Gliophorus versicolor
Vernacular names
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
Holotype (PDD 27095); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 68/202): 'S of Ahaura, Totara Flat, Prov. Westcoast, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 21.III.1968'. - Herb. HK. ZT 68/189: 'Nelson Creek, Kopara, Ngahere, Prov. Westcoast, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 19.III.1968'. - Herb. HK. ZT 68/196: 'S of Lake Hochstetter, Prov. Westcoast, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 19.III.1968'.
Pileus 5-20(-25) mm diam., hemispherical when young then convex to plano-convex or centre of pileus subdepressed and margin upturned, reddish-brown liver brown or lilac-pink, fading towards the strongly striated margin, glutinous, glabrous, membranaceous. Lamellae broadly adnate to subdecurrent, whitish or concolorous with pileus, occasionally grey-lilac, distant, gill edge even, concolorous, gelatinized at times. Stipe 20-70 x 1.5-3 mm, cylindric, equal, rarely attenuated towards the base, grey, pinkish-brown or lilac above, ochraceous or whitish at the base, glutinous, hollow, single and in clusters. Context waxy, on drying reddish to pink. Taste and odor absent or slightly like burnt hair. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - yellowish, HCl and NH3 - negative. Spores 5.5-7 x 3.5-4 µm, ovoid, smooth, inamyloid. Basidia 24-30 x 5-7 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia absent. Cuticle an ixotrichoderm consisting of erect, strongly gelatinized, cylindric hyphae (1-4 µm diam.), terminal cells branched, occasionally subcapitate. Clamp connections on septae.
Amongst litter under Nothofagus (N. fusca, N. cliffortioides), Podocarpus, Dacrydium, Quintinia, etc. New Zealand.
Pileo 5-20(-25) mm laeo, ex hemisphaerico convexo dein subdepresso-plano, carneo vel lilacino-roseo, glutinoso, striato. Lamellis adnato-decurrentibus, albidis vel pileo concoloribus. Stipite 20-70 x 1.5-3 mm, cylindrico, sursum griseo vel roseo-brunneolo, basim versus ochraceo, glutinoso. Sporis 5.5-7 x 3.5-4 µm, ovatis. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute ex hyphis erectis gelatinosisque ixotrichodermium formantibus. Fibulis praesentibus. Ad terram in silvis. Novazelandia.
For discussion see G. lilacinoides Hk. (38).
Holotypus (PDD 27095): ‘Ahaura, Totara Flat, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 21.III. 1968'.
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
SPECIMENS: NZ: WL, Ngahere, Nelson Creek, Kopara, ZT 68/189; S of Lake Hochstetter, ZT 68/196.
Pileus -20 (-50) mm, hemispherical then convex to plano-convex or subdepressed at centre (with upturned margin); reddish brown, liver brown or lilac-pink, fading towards strongly striate margin; glutinous when moist, glabrous in dry condition, membranaceous. - Lamellae broadly adnate to subdecurrent, distant; whitish or concolorous with pileus, occasionally grey-lilac, edges entire, concolorous, occasionally gelatinised. - Stipe 20-70 x 1.5-3 mm, cylindrical, equal or rarely attenuated towards base; grey, pinkish brown or lilac above, ochraceous or whitish at base, glutinous, hollow, single or caespitose. - Odour and taste not distinctive or slightly unpleasant, like burnt hair. - Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - pale yellow; HCI, NH3 - negative. Spores 5.5-7 x 3.5-4 um, ovoid. - Basidia 24- 30 x 5-7 um, 4-spored. - Cystidia absent -Pileipellis an ixocutis of erect, cylindrical hyphae (3- 8 um diam.), with branched or subcapitate terminal cells, membranes strongly gelatinised, with plasmatic pigment; clamp connections present (Pl. 1, Fig. 6).
ECOLOGY: Scattered; saprobic on soil among litter under Dacrycarpus and Nothofagus. March.
ICON.: Horak (1973: 175).
TYPE: NZ: WL, Ahaura, Totara Flat, under Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (pure stand) with Nothofagus menziesii (in neighborhood), 21 iii 1968, Horak, PDD 27095.
Taxonomic concepts
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus versicolor E. Horak 1973
Hygrocybe versicolor (E. Horak) Boertm. (2002)
Hygrocybe versicolor (E. Horak) Boertm. (2002)
Global name resources
Identification keys
taxonomic status
The righthand 3 basidiomes labelled as Hygrophorus viridis in Stevenson 1963a, PL. 8.1, are Gliophorus lilacipes; and the basidiomes labelled as Hygrophorus viridis in Taylor 1970, PL. [back cover], and Taylor 1981, PL. 10.42, are Gliophorus graminicolor, fide Horak 1990, p. 283. However, Young & Wood 1997, p. 997, suggested that the two outer basidiomes in Taylor's plates are Hygrocybe stevensoniae [= Gliophorus viridis], and that only the central basidiome is Hygrocybe graminicolor [= Gliophorus graminicolor].
Holotype PDD 27095, Isotype Horak ZT 68/202): 'S of Ahaura, Totara Flat, Prov. Westcoast, New Zealand.; leg. Horak, 21.111.1968'
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 December 2003